• Ausa sat on his throne looking around the room and stopped on the portrait of his father across from his head and he sighed, knowing that he had fallen to far. The doors of the room opened and his advisors walked in, Kelly and Lorin, with ten of the best soldiers in the nation. Kelly looked up at Ausa and began to shout.

    "Ausa! It is time for you step down! You have done nothing but sit there and denied what we have told you to do. Your arrogance in trying to keep this nation out of war of the world are going to cost us in the future, so I proclaim again that you relenquish your position to us!"

    Ausa stood up and stared at Kelly with a blank expression. He began to speak, " I sat up here for months staring at my fathers portrait just asking myself 'should we go into war to protect our people?' and thinking of what would my father do. He always knew what the right thing to do was."
    Ausa picked up his swords and began to walk down the steps.

    "He told me once that no matter what happened in my reign that I must always keep the people safe: safe from war, safe from darkness, and safe from those who would try to take there safety away."

    He reached the bottom of the steps and stares Kelly in the face.

    "So today I will give up my position, I have failed the people from keeping them out of harm."

    Ausa raises one of his swords and points it at the crowd of twelve, "but I ..... I will not let anyone cause more damage then I already have."

    With those words uttered a spark of rage entered Ausa's heart and he flew at his men like a bat out of hell. One soldier summoned a shield as Ausa directed his wrath toward him. Ausa lunged at the shield and with one blow he obliterated it with emmence force, and with one sweep of his other blade, he severed the soldier's body and moved to his next targets. Guns fired, swords clanking, summons attacking, and terrible sounds flew through the air as Ausa slautered his men. Lorin and Kelly survivied the assault, they stared at Ausa with amazment and fear. His body was badly damaged, his clothes were torn, and blood was all over him, none of which was his own. He breathed heavely and stared back at his former allies. He through his right hand sword toward them and it pierced the ground hard by the doors out of the chamber. Kelly and Lorin turned back and looked at the sword and directed there attention at Ausa once again to see him racing towards them. Ausa through his father's cape to the ground so that it wouldnt be damage for what he was about to do. Kelly fired her gun and, with her impressive accuracy, fired 6 rounds into Ausa's arms and legs to stop him. Lorin used her manipulation skill to control one of her fallen men as a puppet and fired at Ausa with it's gun, but nothing they did stopped him from charging. Ausa got closer to them and within a split second he was behind them holding the other blade once again in his right hand staring at the door, kneeling. Kelly and Lorin stared at the opposite wall in shock, there eyes widened in fear. They turned to look at Ausa. As Ausa unlogged his blade from the ground the girls stomach's bursted with blood and they fell to the ground. Kelly looked over at Lorin on the ground with blurred vision and then up at the cieling, noticing for the first time the beautiful painting above her. It was peaceful and serene, something she hadnt recognized in a long time. Her vision blacked out for a second and when it came back Ausa was standing over her with a blade to her throat. and said the last four words she would ever hear, " Our reign is over." Ausa unhinged the joint in his arm and propelled his arm forward untill the blade of his sword was through Kelly's head. He fixed his shoulder and fell to his knees. Ausa's eyes felt with tears of how he was never going to see his son, his wife, or his daughter again because he allowed his swords to drain to much blood from his system. He tried to stand up, but fatigue set in and he collapsed on the ground. His life raced before his eyes and slowed down to the moment where his father sat him down and told him of how he was going to become the greatest king of there nation and that know matter what he does, he will always have his fathers love and respect. Ausa always wanted to say theses words to his son but never thought of a good time. At that moment a spark went off in Ausa's heart and he stood up again, driven to see his son once more, to tell him these words. Ausa picked up his swords and headed for the door. He threw himself out of the doors oand stumbling to the ground. He stood up and at that moment Ausa's eyes widened as 100 of his men stared back at him, all of them ready to kill. Ausa looked down at his blades and his torn up body and then back up at the soldiers. He stared at his troops and shouted at the top of his lungs, filling his heart with anger again he charged at his people. No longer able to feel fatigue or pain he wildly charged at his men at a speed faster then light. He hacked and slashed his way through the crowd killing every soldier in sight. The sky was clears as he gored, slashed, and stabbed his men one by one. The soldiers were incapable of fight back because no sooner did they blink, Ausa had already killed them. Ausa stood across the long street away from his men, standing erect with blood starting to rain all over him and his blades as he breathed deeply. As each drop hit the ground a soldier fell, they turned to fight Ausa but another drop fell and so did they. The rain of blood stopped and with it the lives of every soldier. Ausa stared down the street and he dropped his blades, no longer having the energy to hold them. He fell to his knees as almost all of the blood in his body had been drained out of him and into the swords. He collapsed onto the ground, breathed one last deep breath, and closed his eyes forever.