• That Dark Night

    The moon's light shone down brightly over the large clearing. Not a single cloud littered the star-filled sky. The air hung like a heavy blanket over it, cold and crisp. Snow shone on the ground, undisturbed and glistening softly under the gentle moonlight.

    On one side of the clearing, a large forest dominated. The fir trees loomed tall, casting dark shadows amongst themselves, looking forlorn and abandoned in their greatness. Snow covered the tops of them, laying like a thick cloud and smothering the entire expanse of greenery. But not even the snow could creep into the dark heart of it, the trees protecting their depths greatly, creating an aura of mystery over the whole forest.

    Opposite from them, a large grey mountain soared, it's heights invisible under the great cap of ice and snow that covered it. A few feeble-looking plants hung in odd patches around it, but other than that no life seemed to blossom anywhere upon it. A dark, gaping opening hung at the base of it, the entrance to some unseen cave.

    Suddenly, a lone wolf trotted out from the dark confines of the trees, his paws making no noise as he almost glided over the snow, leaving deep imprints upon the frosty ground. He was a large animal, with a graceful gait, holding himself proudly with his head high, but looking ahead. His thick, grey fur shone silver in the moonlight as it rippled over him, highlighting his muscular jaw and legs. His tail was raised over his head, curling slightly as it did so, and moving gently from side to side in rhythm with his walk. A large scar ran down from one of his upright, pointed ears down to his thick, sloping shoulders, a mark of power that did nothing but increase the aura of mystery, grace and strength surrounding this magnificent animal.

    All of a sudden he stopped in the middle of the clearing and looked around, his dark eyes glinting in reflection of the moon's shine. He titled his head upwards, gazing towards the moon. It is almost time, he thought, a low growl rising up from his throat. She will come soon and we must be ready to fight, ready to agree to the destiny of the Sapphire. A dark look flashed through his eyes at the thought as he opened his powerful jaws. A howl erupted through them, echoing throughout the silent clearing. Almost in answer, a light wind suddenly billowed around him, causing a flurry of snowflakes to rise about him like a thick mist, making him look almost Godly. As suddenly as it had begun, the howl ended and silence enveloped the world once more.

    Quickly, he rose and padded away, his tracks covering themselves up as the snow settled once more behind him. He cast a last, long look over his shoulder before slipping into the hidden depths of the cave.