• Today I finally had enough. Enough of everything, My family, my "friends", My life. Nothing in my too-small room had any value to me, and so I ran out the door down to the beach with no goodbyes, no backward glances, and no belongings. All I had was my hopes and my smarts and I hoped that would be good enough. I reached the beach and I collapsed down at the waters edge and let a single tear fall from my blue eyes and into the ocean. Only one person in the world had mattered to me two months ago. And that person never really cared for me. For the first time since that night, I thought about him, and what had happened..
    "I love you." I whispered. And it was only then that I realized how true that was.
    "And you know that I love you." He whispered back and kissed my forehead. I took his hand and leaned my head down on his shoulder and we walked down the sandy beach, barefoot, along the dark blue open ocean. It was nighttime and the stars were shining brightly.
    "How much?" I asked.
    "How much what, love?" He asked, but he didn't seem like he was really here, with me.
    "do you love me. How much do you love me?" I asked turning to him.
    "I --Uhh, More than you know." He said, still off somewhere else. I smiled, though I wasn't completely satisfied with his answer.
    "It's getting late, I should take you home." He said staring up at the dark blue sky.
    "What? No, I'm not going back there." I said and planted myself where I stood.
    "Alright, then you can stay at my place then." He offered as he let go of my hand and walked ahead of me, I followed.
    He unlocked the door and flipped on the light as we walked into the living room.
    "Uhm, Do you mind if I take a shower? He asked. "I won't be long.."
    "No, no. It's fine" I said and grinned at him, he walked off to the bathroom without smiling back, so I let my face fall back into a frown. I plopped down on the couch and flipped through the T.V channels. there was nothing on so I shut it off and picked up Brad's blackberry and snooped for the games on it. I almost fell off the couch when it started to play 'Pretty Rave Girl' on high volume. My eyes snapped to the bathroom door, the shower was already running and he couldn't hear. I examined the screen,It was a text and I thought he'd like to know what it said,I didn't think he'd mind if I looked, plus I was curious. I opened the text and read.
    "Hey, I was just thinking of you (:" How odd...I decided to text back.
    "I was thinking of you just now too.." Send. I looked at the 'To:' column at the top. It said that I was texting someone named Brittany, How very boring. Again, It startled me when it started playing the same song, letting me know she had responded.
    "I bet you were, Have you dumped that tramp Dahlia yet? I can't share you forever."
    I nearly dropped the phone. I heard the bathroom door open but my eyes stayed on the text message.
    "Brad, is this true?" My voice wavered as I held out his phone to him.
    "Dahlia what are you doing with my..phone." He said reading the text. "Dahlia,wait, I can explain.."
    "I've heard enough explanations in my lifetime. I don't need another." I said as angry tears streamed down my face.
    "All my life, I've been used, and you said you we're different." I said shaking my head. "And I was stupid enough to believe that one."I laughed without humor and I started backing up towards the door as more tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision. I couldn't stand there for another minute with another traitor to add to my lifetime of hatred and backstabbing. I opened the door and ran out. It was raining now, and I supposed that was better. I ran down the street as far as I could, but my vision was too blurry, I couldn't see anything. I dropped to my knees and sat there, crying, letting go of all the goodness that remained in my world...