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What is their name?
Michael Mora

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?
The Silk Spider, The Spider, Silk

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Spider Mimicry – his powers mimic that of a spider, entailing him to: enhanced agility, balance, durability, endurance, immunity, jump, marksmanship, reflexes, regeneration, senses (enhanced vision, seismic sense), speed, and strength (lifting roughly ten tons). He can produce pheromones, organic webbing, bio-electricity, poison, and possesses retractable claws at his fingers and toes. He may be inaudible, supplemented by inert stealth tactics and danger intuition, which he utilizes like a true predator.

The venom he secretes from his claws and fangs is a neurotoxin that may induce paralysis, necrosis and potentially death being the outcome of being exposed to too much of the neurotoxin. His fangs secrete the neurotoxin most effectively, so he may lift his mask partly in order to utilize them.

His pheromones generally attract spiders to him, and he may compel them to obey. While he doesn’t really pay the ability any mind, it is there, and he secretes these pheromones unconsciously. They are by no means utilized for manipulating others.

While all of these qualities are enhanced with the addition of a much stronger, spider-like form when he’s off his stabilizers, he has absolutely no control over his feral nature in this form. The tests done on him in this form show that he vaguely recognizes things of personal significance, but he is otherwise just acting off of instinct.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
▪ While not a physical weakness, he has a dependence on stabilizers to retain his human appearance.
▪ In order to properly produce organic webbing, as well as function properly in general, he has to consume a high-protein diet. Whether it’s raw or not makes no difference, but he prefers it cooked. He consumes a lot of skinless white chicken or turkey, seafood, pork tenderloin and lean beef.

What is their personality like?
answer here

What is their backstory?
Originally not considered to be a super at all, he was sought out by a group of shady individuals who claimed he possessed “dormant superhuman traits”, and that he’d need only participate in their program to unlock them. Naïve and eager to become something greater than himself, the 16-year-old agreed, but quickly regretted the decision once he arrived at their facility and was experimented on for months. After a series of awful experimentation, Michael finally mutated. The outcome, however, was not at all what he expected. He mutated into a monstrous, humanoid spider. The task was tedious, but they managed to contain the situation. Utilizing something they called DNA Stabilizers, a serum which they injected into him every few days, they were able to return him to his human form, with powers that remained. Catalyst—as what they called themselves—would go on to consider him a success.

This dependency on the stabilizers was what they used to manipulate him into their service. As their chief agent, he was tasked with the capture of other dormant supers, thus making him responsible for a series of kidnappings that occurred between 2002 and 2009. The fact that he was putting others through such misery weighed heavily on him, but it was not until 2012 during a mission to re-capture his old friend Elena, but ended up siding with her instead. However, both were brainwashed into believing they destroyed Catalyst.

Is there anything else we need to know?
▪ His suit was designed by his former captors, his current ensemble being his modified MK12 suit. It’s a full-body suit composed of a ballistic weave (interwoven carbon nanotube material), with looser weaving in pivot points for maximum maneuverability. The suit itself is waterproof, fire-resistant, and bullet resistant. The suit is divided into five parts: the mask, the top, the bottom, the gloves, and the boots. There are parts with additional padding, particularly the forehead, torso, back, arms, thighs, calves, and wrists. The gloves have miniscule slits at the fingertips, so that the tips of his retractable claws can poke through, allowing him to utilize his natural poison, and slits at his wrisks for his webbing. The knuckles have carbon fiber knuckle guards, which he uses offensively. The same applies for the bottoms, which have a crotch guard, and the boots, which have toe and heel guards. Initially black and grey, the overall appearance of the suit is matte black and white, though the lenses over his eyes are red tinted, the design intended to intimidate his opponents. The suit can stop .22, 9mm, and .45 caliber rounds. While the normal individual would at least suffer from nasty bruising or internal bleeding, his durability generally leaves him with very light bruising if any. In the event that the suit may sustain damage, he is familiar enough with the schematics to make repairs, though the means to make the repairs are costly. He possesses exactly one backup suit, in the event his current one takes too much punishment.
▪ He models his suit and style after Marvel’s Peter Parker. Like Peter Parker, he’s 5’ 10” and weighs 167 lbs.
▪ A unique usage of his powers is to slow his heart and calm himself down at will, allowing him to effectively lie while showing no physical signs of the deception.
▪ He hates the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” song, and gets annoyed at most songs regarding a dying spider.
▪ The “heroes don’t kill” argument is ineffective with him. He kills criminals as he pleases and that’s that.
▪ Aside from English, he fluently speaks French, Japanese, and Spanish, with a bit of Mandarin.

What is their faceclaim?
Bobby Campo