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What is their name?
Sherry O’Reilly

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Teleportation – she can go to any location she desires as long as she can appropriately visualize it, and if there is sufficient space for her to teleport there. It is instant and she never tires, teleporting often for her own amusement.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
Sherry is as human as the day she was born.

What is their personality like?
Without a doubt, she’s known for being very flamboyant, going about her business with casual mischief. While she isn’t incapable of taking things seriously, she goes about things with the air that everything’s fine and there isn’t anything to worry about, partly because it’s the most comfortable state to be in, and partly because she doesn’t want to subject herself to any of the negative vibes from the conflict surrounding her. Her opinions are usually blunt, and she’s a bit socially awkward, but she doesn’t care.

What is their backstory?
Sherry, preferring her nickname of “Wink”, describes her backstory as being a Wisconsin-born deviant whose powers emerged at adolescence, where she found herself on top of the Eiffel Tower after looking at a photo on her mom’s phone. She was a fast learner and wasn’t even remotely secretive about her powers, but her parents convinced her to keep them a secret. She was eventually recruited into Providence, where she learned how to better use her powers, all the way up to the war, where she actually signed on as one of their agents.

Is there anything else we need to know?
Her favorite beverage is fruit juice, and she, for whatever reason, always struggles to find restrooms/bathrooms.

What is their faceclaim?
Kathryn Prescott