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Anomalies, it had been a partial discussion that both Tanith and Auberon had discussed as they stood on the edges of the unusual crater and peered into the liquid beneath. Neither had seen fit to try their luck and both had assumed that something was amiss in both shape and colour. It was a discussion that Tanith hadn't forgotten and after they had been advised that they wouldn't be able to gain access to Ram for another few hours, the young noble had pulled some strings. He'd located his father and discussed the matter briefly and while Havase hadn't been able to help, Tanith hadn't been surprised when he had indicated he did know who could.

Thus, both Auberon and Tanith now waited for Havase's contact to appear. Neither had been given an ETA and it seemed like the contact was deliberately delaying his arrival to the point that they were kept waiting for a considerable amount of time.

It was Tanith that jumped first at the sight of the approaching figure, for at a glance the individual was the one thing he would sooner have not met. Almost pure black, and with pale red eyes, the creature could have been a phantom at first glance. Tanith could only assume that life in the Al-Siq was hard for him based on the manner in which he had flinched at catching him in the corner of his eyes. Tanith had been raised to be more open minded in his views, but even he knew that those who fit in with certain demographics were treated very poorly.

"You must be Havase's son," A statement, not a question. It was one that rumbled from the depths of the dark lion's chest as he fixed his gaze on Tanith first and then directed it towards Auberon. "And you must be the Bahari'mtoto King's relative."

Now this caused both awaiting lions to look surprised, and perhaps just a tad wary. Now how had he known that?

"I am, my name is -"

"Tanith, I am aware," The black lion waved his paw dismissively. "And you are Auberon," he added as he motioned towards the blue lion. Auberon thought better of back chatting the lion who seemed to have access to more information than he should. "Your father indicated that you were in need of guidance," he continued. His brow lifted and when he had closed the gap adequately enough not to seem awkward, he took a seat. It was only when he was this close that both Auberon and Tanith could smell the very distinct smell of sulphur. Neither had the capacity not to gag slightly, it was a rather off putting scent to say the least, and probably ensured that the majority of lions kept a wide berth.

...Maybe that was the entire point.

"We saw something that wasn't really normal when we were out beyond the walls," Auberon decided it was best not to waste time. Whoever this lion was it didn't seem like he was a fan of wasting time or mincing words. "While it looked like water it didn't have the right colour, or move the right way," he shook his head. "Tanith had indicated that it might have come from beneath the surface where things don't always look quite so normal," Auberon glanced briefly at the green lion who gave a quick nod.

"I know we have lions who can navigate the depths here and I thought that perhaps they might be able to clarify what we'd seen, if it was definitely from the depths." Tanith pursed his lips. "I'm going to assume that you're one of the lions with that skill set if my father sent you in his stead."

"I am," Adar'Malik confirmed with a very slight nod of his head. "But in order for me to answer more concisely you would need to provide me with an exact location as to where it is," he pointed out. The black lion hadn't been out in the roguelands since they had all been recalled, not since the Scourge had 'retreated' into their warrens. It had all been so sudden and abrupt that he was still regaining his bearings and attempting to discern what had happened. All that he could categorically say at this time was that both Primes and his most senior officials within the Scourge ranks had been unusually quiet.

...That was somewhat different from passed scourge wars.

"The Te'a-Nakhun borders, a day or so away from them," Auberon was the only one of the three who happened to know which land belonged to who and it seemed the pride he'd just mentioned might either be new or unknown to the black lion. "They are nearby an abandoned pirate region, I believe they may have taken refuge in the abandoned mermaid region."

The black lion didn't seem familiar with it.

"Directly north of the Bahari'mtoto?" That seemed to get some recognition from Adar'malik and he eventually nodded. However this glimmer of recognition was soon replaced with something akin to concern. Evidently some of the information provided by Auberon didn't align to the knowledge that Adar'malik had for the region and as a consequence something was amiss with the sudden appearance of the crater.

"There was no crater during the period in which my teams explored that region," Adar'Malik remarked. There hadn't actually been a cave network either, Adar and Suu'marle had explored the region extensively near the Maestros in particular when it had become clear the phantoms had learned the abandoned region for more nefarious purposes. The network had cut off after a certain point and by no means would it have stretched far enough to reach whatever that crater was. "Was there a disaster?" he enquired. They were too far north here, they wouldn't have felt any form of impact if something had happened, and this was the only logical explanation that he could come up with at this time.

"There have been unusual events in the region, yes..." Auberon confirmed with a grimace. "The crater appeared around the time those events began," he added.

"Then there is a distinct possibility that the liquid you speak of may very well have come from the depths," Adar'Malik confirmed. He wasn't one for conversation, but there were rare times when he did speak at length. Given the abnormalities that they had raised this was a period in which he saw fit to speak for a considerable period. "However it would be impossible to confirm without observing it," he added calmly.

"But an educated guess would be that it is?" Tanith pressed.

"Highly likely," Adar'Malik remarked. He'd seen such things happen before, where the land ruptured and liquid rose up from the depths, it wasn't outside the realms of possibility... it was just improbable. Nevertheless it was important that the pair of lions weren't unsettled when there may be no reason to be so cautious. "While the event that occurred to draw the water up is unusual and exceedingly rare, it is not impossible."

There was a pause.

"And oft times, the water that exists within the depths exhibits different qualities and smells due to the that which it is exposed to in the dark," Adar stated. "Nevertheless, you were wise not to play with it."

"Oh good," Tanith did seem relieved and Auberon seemed to exhibit a similar emotion, though the blue lions felt that Adar may not have been entirely honest. Still, what the strange smelling lion said did make sense. If that water had never seen sunlight until now then perhaps it was simply reacting to it in a strange way, he wasn't one for the sciences and this certainly seemed to be in that domain.

"While this is no threat to your home it might be for mine," Auberon said after a moment or two. "Is there a safe way to determine if it's something to be wary of?"

"Several, but I suspect some methods may prove controversial for you," Adar murmured. "You can start by throwing something inanimate in; if it melts, then you would be wise not to touch or drink it yourself."

"I see... And if it doesn't dissolve it?"

"Then you need to consider how far you are willing to go to guarantee safety," Adar shrugged. "If you desire to play the hero yourself then you may drink it, if not, perhaps you will find someone more fitting," Adar suggested. Auberon's expression became unreadable, but now it seemed that the blue lion realised what the darker one meant when he had used the term 'controversial'.

"Noted," Auberon had nothing mroe he could say.

"Is there anything further?" Adar'Malik could see no other reason to continue the discussion, Tanith seemed satisfied with his answers and Auberon, well he seemed to have accepted the information for the time being. What the blue outsider chose to do going forward remained to be seen, but at least Adar had put things into perspective for him.

"No, I think that's all we needed," Tanith smiled. "You've been a great help, thank you."

Adar gave another small nod and rose to his feet again, he wasn't one for farewells and now that both individuals had the information they sought he would take his leave. Unsurprisingly, he made to leave in much the same fashion he'd arrived... Largely unnoticed and mid conversation. Fortunately neither Auberon or Tanith would be given much time to focus on his lack of manners given that they had other company on the approach. Alas, this company still wasn't the one Auberon was waiting for, but it would be more pleasant than the sulphur riddled black lion that had joined them briefly.

...That being said, the information Adar had been given had been of some concern. While these events were occuring outside their walls that didn't mean that eventually something wouldn't happen further north. It was something worthy of discussion and the black lion saw fit to hold that conversation with those that held the cards here. If there was justification for investigating these events then they would do so. They couldn't afford another screw up and it seemed imperative they take some steps to plan for the improbable, even if it never came to pass.

Words: 1,718