Jehanum was still attempting to shake the stars out of his eyes. Everything felt heavy, as if the weight of the his father’s sins was pressing him against the earth. The sense of betrayal that he felt was a shadow of the fear that gripped at his heart. His eyes widened as he realized that the lioness was killing her own ally. His pupils shrank as he desperately tried to put his legs underneath him. He had to run away from this situation or....

“Where do you think you’re going?” The killing was swift, the warm sensation of blood trickling down her throat fulfilled her in ways that she couldn’t begin to describe. She laughed as she threw out a paw to snatch at his hair, pulling him towards the still warm body of Masuka. “You are to blame for this, dear sweet monstrosity of Chaos. You will play your part, and relish in the victory that you serve.” She shoved his face towards the open wound, ensuring that the blood seeped into his fur. She heard the hyena choke back sobs, pushing away from the body as he tried to fight back against her. Haribu stuck him, ensuring that she wounded the enemy as proof of her belated victory against him. She had been unable to save the poor lioness, but the hyena would be dragged back as proof of what had taken place.

She had been an innocent victim in this; Jehanum knew that there had been victims before. He had seen death, though it had been at the hands of a natural incident rather than someone who was to be trusted. He tried his best to not cry as he realized just how similar this lioness was to his father. She enjoyed being the pawn that she was, and would do everything within her power to ensure that his plan would move forward. Infiltrate and destroy; the power of a God that wanted to push himself to ruin something from within. The stench of the blood was overwhelming his senses, and the fact that she was still somewhat warm was ruining himself inside. She had just been alive. She more than likely had a family and those that cared about her. And here he was, used as a scapegoat in an attempt to refuel the fires of the conflict between the lions and the hyenas. If anything happened to those in his pack, those that he cared about...he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

Why hadn’t he run when he had the chance? He had poorly decided to keep himself alive, and it had cost someone else their life.

Haribu had hit Jehanum again, hearing the wind knocked out of his lungs. With that opening, she snapped at one of his back legs, feeling the muscled rip from the strength of her jaws. The fresh smell of blood invigorated her, and filled her with a renewed sense of purpose. Father promised more of this...and she would get what she wanted. The hyena was heaving from the pain she had inflicted, an annoying sound that she silenced with another hit.

“Now to wait for that idiot Hisani to get back here...we’ve got a spectacle to prepare ourselves for.” She stood over the dead body of Masuka along with the unconscious Jehanum, hissing to the bitter feeling of cutting her own flesh with her claws. A battle took place here, and she was the savior of the border today.