What To Do::

Roleplay is encouraged
Make a Journal/Plot Journal to keep track of your dinos as well as make pairs with others!
Ask Questions and I'll gladly answer them.
Play Nice and respect your fellow dino owner, please.

What NOT To Do::

Godmodding, because no one likes it when you're controlling the actions of their dino, so don't do it, okay?
Whining/Guilt-Tripping. So you didn't win... congratulate those who did and move on. No point in being a sore loser for attention, now is there?
Stealing the Art because come on, I put HOURS of my time into this, and not for you to take it and sell it for your own gain.
Pestering The Colorists is a no-no. Growths and Customs will be finished in a timely schedule, no need to panic.
Breaking the Gaia TOS is a BIGGER no-no, because you have to be here for dinos!
Go beyond PG. It's a pony-based place, for cryin' out loud! Take it to PMs, if you REALLY have to.