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Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:42 am
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:43 am

There was once a Leopon, born into an old Pride set in its old ways. He had the ill fate of being born from a sinful tryst – between his mother, whom was a lioness of the Nobility and a ‘lowly’ solitary leopard. Such encounters may have been expected of those of the lower class, but it was unheard of for the Higher Class to disgrace themselves by bringing hybrids into the Pride; such creatures are filthy abominations and serve no true purpose, unlike those of pure blood. The unfortunate cub, who was named ' Tzachi ' by his mother, was immediately sentenced to death. His only saving grace was the lioness that had birthed him. She begged and pleaded with the other Nobles to allow her son to survive and live within the walls of the Pride, at least until he was able to thrive in the Rogue Lands. The Mothers' words were begrudgingly heard, much to the grimace of the gentry's ears. And so, it was decided that the genetic mutant would live, as would his Mother, until the male was an adolescent. No later or sooner, he would be expelled.

The days until then, would not be sweet, nor could they come soon enough. Though her rank was stripped from her, the proud mother retained her dignity in the face of adversity; she and her single offspring were allowed to live within the Pride, but they felt as if they were on the edge of the world.

It was until the faithful day that Tzachi grew into adolescence that, as agreed upon, was quickly thrust out of the Pride, far from the lands of his birth. Not a last look upon those lands, and not even a chance to say ' Good-bye ' to his Mother who had worked so hard to keep him alive. Both Mother and Sons' fates would forever remain unknown to the other.

Wandering alone, abandoned and scarred by his birth Pride, Tzachi found that there was little that could break him from his pain. He was utterly alone, and had been convinced all his life that he was nothing but a horrible abomination; years of resentment towards lions had been building, and it all seemed to boil and spew out when he finally encountered one in the Rogue Lands. What began as a one-time outburst turned into a habit, as Tzachi took his anger out on any lion that he happened upon.

This, of course, lasted until the now young-adult happened upon something a little different. One day, curled up helplessly before him in the grass was a small and completely fragile looking cub. Upon further investigation, he found it was like him – an ‘abomination.’ He was old enough now that he could tell that it was a tiny Leotah that was curled up in the middle of his path, but not old enough to have any idea as to what to do with it. Part of him told him to just leave it there; he was far from a father figure. But then, the other part of him remembered the torture he had had to endure as a cub, and didn’t want for anyone to be able to do that to this tiny and helpless cub. Taking it under his wing, Tzachi began to change his ways, to try and better protect and provide for this small cub. Eventually, after watching it play one day, he felt the need to find a place that he could protect the small cub – where they would both be safe from the harsh ways of lions. In fact, wouldn’t it be best to use their own form of protection against them? Taking the small Leotah along with him, Tzachi set out, wanting to find the perfect place where they could gather others like them.

After a long journey, the pair reached the first location. It was hotter than belief, and there was nothing but sand beneath their paws. Staring at the little one next to him, he could tell that this was no place for young; heck, he could barely stand it. No, this wasn’t it.

Moving on again, they reached another option. This place was already far better than the first; for starters, there were trees as far as the eye could see, and water was fairly plentiful. The only problem they came across was that it was already inhabited – by a lion pride, to make it worse. Trying to keep his composure, Tzachi rushed the small Leotah out of the area, moving on to a new place that they could finally call home.

Feeling the ground beneath his paws slowly become softer, with the slight feel of water seeping between his toes every once in a while, Tzachi could tell that they had reached somewhere fantastic. He took in a deep breath, and could easily see the allure of this place. There was water everywhere, and the grass was tall enough in most areas to create suitable escape routes, should the need arise.

After spending some time in the area, the pair of hybrids had found themselves in the company of an avian, who they had stumbled upon when first finding these wetlands. The avian had heard his cause, and had felt sympathy for the pair. Deciding it was time to try and rally more hybrids like them, he asked the avian to fly in one direction, spreading the word to as many hybrids as he could. Tzachi, in turn, would take the growing Leotah and head in the opposite direction, finding as many hybrids as they could before returning to these new homelands.

Traveling around for many moons, Tzachi and the Leotah, who was now much more grown, returned to their beloved wetlands with a small following, to start their lives as a full-fledged pride. Upon returning, they were met by others who had heard about the group by word-of-mouth. It brought Tzachi great joy knowing that he and his still young adopted Leotah would have a safe home, where hybrids like them could thrive away from the tyranny of lions. For generations, Tzachi ruled over the group, growing to a ripe old age. Under his rule, there was great prosperity, and everyone thought that it would last forever. A season before he was due to name an heir, however, a great flood plagued the group, wiping out a good deal of the pride, including Tzachi himself. As the waters receded, though, the remaining members still tried to stick together. Though plagued by grief for the dead and fear of the future without a leader, they still tried to stay together as one. To an outsider, though, it looked like a pride on the verge of completely dying out. Some time went by with the pride like this, carefully treading into the future as best they could. Hope came, though, in the form of a pale leopon who just happened to stumble upon the shambled group. After taking a liking to it, he decided to settle there with his three small cubs, bringing new life to the once dying pride. Feeling rejuvenated by the appearance of life, the aging original members decided to try and fill the pride with new blood again, wanting life to flow through it once more.

As the rebuilding grew, one of the leopon’s cubs grew up exhibiting traits that the pride hadn’t seen in a long time – wisdom, curiosity, and responsibility. The pride watched her grow, and as they saw a new influx of members, decided to place that cub – who had now grown into a picturesque adult – at the head of the new and reborn Koti.

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:49 am
The Wetlands

- Map here -

Information here


The dens in the Koti are laid out in a more clustered system, ranging from just a few to many different family dens being in the same area. They are constructed on the driest areas, made from fallen trees and mud. Some members might choose to make their dens closer to members of similar rank or social standing, or just by someone that they've become close to.

Water Source

Information here  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:50 am

Values and Traditions


    Gods are generally well-liked within the pride and can come and go as they please. It is known within the pride that the gods, in fact, exist even though they may disguise themselves to blend in better within the lands. While the knowledge of gods exist, the pride rarely sticks to a set rule of belief and allows the pride to worship who they feel the need to worship, as the pride is completely tolerant of personal religious practices. There are a few well noted gods that all members hold in high esteem, as follows

  • Mengi'changanya, the God of Hybrids, is the patron god of the pride and is proof that the hybrids are blessed by the gods. (Permission granted by Owner)

Ceremonies & Festivals

Coming of Age
    To be officially considered an adult, each hybrid must venture into the roguelands for a time and capture a slave. These slaves are considered a personal slave to the individual that captured it. Sometimes a group captures a slave together and the slave will generally stay within the slave quarters of the pride.

Seasonal Festivals
    At the changing of a season, there is often a festival held to showcase a successful season of the pride's continued existence. During the Dry season, a festival is often held to appreciate the lack of floods and fear of constant rain. It is currently the most important festival in the pride. It is celebrated with dancing, singing, and other entertainment.

Marriage & Courtship
    Marriage is normally a much larger ceremony than a courtship ceremony, but both hold importance in the pride. A pair cannot marry unless they are in a current courtship.

  • A courtship ceremony is often just help between the pair and a witness. A Crafter will craft a necklace for each of the members in courtship, often symbolizing the individual wearing the necklace. Once the pair becomes serious, they can move onto the marriage phase.

  • Marriage ceremonies are much larger, often involving much of the pride. The individual's necklaces are brought to a crafter and at the ceremony the new item (an ear cuff) is exchanged by the two members, and they life their lives bearing the other's mark.

    With the birth of the new litter, a feast and celebration is made to honor the new litter. It is normally a small ceremony with just the family involved and a few friends with aid from the hunters and dancers if they see fit.

    Death is a sad occasion in any case or creed, but within the pride, the life of the individual is celebrated and the members of the pride that were close to the member are often given a break from their duties to properly mourn and celebrate the life of the individual in peace. During the Funeral celebrations, dancers create dances of the life of the individual and storytellers will tell stories of the individuals life.


    Hybrids are usually allowed passage through the lands, though they will be stopped by guards unless they are escorted in by a regular member. They will be allowed to leave unhindered unless they have broken a law or cause any trouble.

    Any non-hybrid seen entering the lands risks becoming a slave or being captured. Any non-hybrids attempting to leave the lands without an escort will be hindered from leaving the pride by one or more of the guards. They are allowed to leave with an escort as long as they don't enter the lands again, they do not risk being captured.

  • If a non-hybrid is captured, the captor may defend their right to the slave and prevent them with leaving even with an escort. Such disputes may be seen before the council.

Past Views
    At the pride's birth, only a few trusted members were allowed within the pride and some hybrids were even denied access due to Tzachi's paranoia and fear of others. He kept the trusted members close and would only allow members into the pride if they could prove themselves loyal to the pride. However, as time went on and leadership changed hands, some of the strict rules diminished, though a mistrust often remains about the pride for anyone entering the lands, even if they are simply passing through. Passing rogues often need an escort for this person, or a member to sponsor them if they're staying longer.

    All joining members are brought before the council, even slaves. The joining process may vary from member to member, depending on the situation and is done on a case to case basis. OoCly, this does not need to be RPed out and only an approval to join is required.

  • Hybrids are accepted fairly easily and have little difficulty in joining. They are expected to learn a trade or utilize one they have to help better the pride in any way they can. The council generally helps them get started to begin their life within the pride.

  • Willing Non-hybrids are generally regarded with some suspicion but are more easily integrated into the slave-ranks. These members most often fall within the Family Slave area of the ranks, though pretty much can fall wherever they fit best. They are most often regulated to an area and someone of a similar rank or higher may show them the ropes.

  • Captured Slaves are not trusted upon capture, though may gain more trust. They are generally kept by the captor(s) as a prize and they are charged with finding someone who can teach them or to teach the new slave themselves. They are brought before the council as proof that the new slave is not just a passing rogue and to make sure any disputes over new slaves can be solved.

  • Cubs are generally celebrated the same way born-in members are. Slave cubs are often over-looked and given to a slave (family or beloved) to raise into a slave, though hybrid cubs are given ceremony once they either reach their adopted parents or the parent that resides within the pride. Slave cubs are generally more trusted, having grown within the pride's culture and may have their choice of the range of slave-ranks.

Marriage & Breeding

Marriage & Courting
    While normally a rare event, Marriage is a huge event that most of the pride attends. It is seen as a special union of two members that wish to spend the rest of their natural lives together. Marriage is always preceded by a period of courtship to ensure the couple is suited to the life of marriage and typically lasts between a few months to a year. Courting begins in the adolescent stage but marriage never takes place unless both members are adults.

  • Courting usually takes place in younger members (such as adols) while relationships are young and marriage is a strong possibility. Those in the process of courting are given a small ceremony and a necklace (typically a moonstone) to symbolize that they are in a relationship at that point.

  • If a pair marries, they take the moonstone necklaces from their courtship and bring them to one of the crafters. The crafter will then transform the necklace into a traditional earcuff that will symbolize their marriage and are exchanged during a ceremony.

    Flings are generally acceptable, especially among the slave population. Fertile hybrids that fling in adolescence may be frowned upon, depending on their peer group, but are aided in any way they can as parents. They have the choice of putting their cubs up for adoption as well, to allow another couple to raise the children. Each fling is viewed in a case to case basis, though there is no stigma surrounding them.

Birth & Raising of Hybrid Cubs
    Hybrid cubs are highly celebrated within the pride, seen as a new generation of ideas and possible children born of hybrids. Hybrids born from the slaves of the pride are taken after they are weened and given to hybrid parents to raise and are presented and named once they are given to their new parents. Often hybrid pair stay with the mother of the cubs until the cubs are born and weened to take and raise them.

  • Births are highly celebrated, especially if one of the parents is a hybrids. A celebration is held with a small feast for the family. The whole pride celebrates new life in the pride.

Birth & Raising of Non-hybrid Cubs
    Slave children are generally celebrated only within the slave community. They're seen as new life and are often more trusted than other slaves that have joined. Many of these members are owned by families, especially if they are the result of a hybrid pairing. They are raised immersed in the culture and often seen in a higher standing than captured slaves.

Special Traits

    Being a fertile hybrid is a huge deal in a pride where most the members are sterile. Members that are fertile are often sheltered and hidden from threats, given cushier roles and hidden from dangers. There may be some jealousy between members once fertility is confirmed.

    Seers, while they don't have a special rank, are highly important to the pride. They are given high status within the pride. Those who see the past are often in ranks of entertainment, such as storytelling, but those who see the future are often found in the council.

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:50 am
High Council

Kansleri (Chancellor)
    This is the highest ranking member of the pride - the Leader, if you will. They head the council and make more of the final decisions. The Chancellor is decided by the council by both view of the seers as well as an innate ability to lead and make decisions for the good of the pride.
  • Limited: 1/1 (Closed)

Puoliso (Consort)
    The Puoliso is the title given to the mate of the Chancellor. While (usually) not part of the council, the consort provides emotional and more support to the Chancellor. They hold a high social status, but usually not much political power.
  • Limited: 0/1 (Closed)

Perijä (Heir)
    The next leader of the pride, trained to be the chancellor. Since the leader has a high possibility of being sterile, the heir is often not related to the Chancellor at all. Instead, they are chosen by the council, usually by the council. They are trained in the ability to run the pride on their own and takes control of the pride in emergency situations of the the Chancellor needs to leave the pride for diplomatic purposes.
  • Limited: 0/1 (Closed)
  • Plot Restricted; RP Required: 5 Pridal RPs
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 4 months.


Neuvoston Jäsenet (Council Member)
    High-ranking members of the pride - the council aids in decision making as well as aiding is support of the pride. There is a limit of six council members at any given time, and they are usually seers or have gained much wisdom over the years.
  • Limited: 4/6 (Open)
  • RP Required: 4 Pridal RPs
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 4 months.

Neuvoston Oppipoika (Council Apprentice) New!
    Similar to the Perijä (Heir), the Council Apprentice learns the ins and outs of how the council works as well as to continue to develop their decision making skills. They learn from all of the current council members in preparation of taking over their position on the council.
  • Limited: 0/6 (Closed)
  • RP Required: 4 Pridal RPs
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 4 months.


Vanhin (Elder) New!
    A member that has stepped down or retired from their previous position. If they decide to take on a different job, their rank shall change from this to match their new job. However, Elders may remain such if they decide to. Elders will often advise or teach anyone who takes their previous rank, but mostly live a quiet, stress-free life within the pride and may do as they please.
  • Limited: 1/1 (Closed)

Common Leaders

Komentaja (Commander) New!
    The Head of the Guards. This member organizes patrols for a group of guard and works closely with those of the same rank. They are strong members with leadership skills and the loyalty to the pride. They control the guards and scouts. More of this rank will become available as the pride becomes larger.
  • Limited: 0/1 (Open)
  • RP Required: 3 Pridal RPs; must be a Vartijat or Tiedustelijat
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 6 months.

Ajokoira (Lead Hunter) New!

  • Limited: 0/1 (Open)
  • RP Required: 3 Pridal RPs; must be a Metsästäjä
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 6 months.

Työnjohtaja (High Healer) New!

  • Limited: 0/1 (Open)
  • RP Required: 3 Pridal RPs; must be a Parantajat
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 6 months.

Hoitaja (Head Nanny) New!

  • Limited: 0/1 (Open)
  • RP Required: 3 Pridal RPs; must be a Lastenhoitaja
  • To keep this rank, you need to continue to RP within the pride; 1 complete rp every 6 months.

Common Ranks

Vartijat (Guardian)
    Normally larger hybrids (such as leopons) - they make sure the pride is safe from external threats. They also solve any minor skirmishes within the lands. They are charged with keeping the lands as safe as possible. In the event of a non-hybrid entering the land, they will often either force them or leave or keep them within. They are the muscle of the pride and keep it safe from any dangers, both internal and external.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Tiedustelijat (Scout)
    Scouts are the quicker of the hybrids - usually part cheetah. They patrol with guards and raise the alarm should any threats should begin to enclose on the borders. They often have sharper eyesight than other members, and often have avian familiars to help out. They are often paired with Guardians when on patrol.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Metsästäjä (Hunter)
    This is the bulk of the pride and provide food for most of the members, especially those who cannot or don’t hunt for themselves. Sometimes they exchange their skills for items and provide the food for the feast. They aid guards in time of need to protect the lands. They make up the bulk of the pride and are one of the most important ranks.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Parantajat (Healer)
    Those skilled in the art of healing take this rank. They often aid in birthing if help is required. The wetlands provide many dangers as well, keeping healers on their toes.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Lastenhoitaja (Nanny)
    Those who are good with cubs are often asked to take on this role. Hybrid cubs are a precious commodity and somewhat rare. They aid in raising hybrid cubs that don't have a hybrid parent or help them find adoptive hybrid parents for them.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Taiteilijat (Crafter)
    The pride employs crafters to make useful items, or just decorative ones. Individuals may work in jewerly, or pelts, or even constructing dens and raised patches of land for resting upon.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Viihdyttäjät (Entertainer)
    These are members who have many skills in entertaining, and can sometimes be unconventional. Those who don't fit in as a dancer or storyteller fit into this role.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Tanssijat (Dancer)
    These members use their skills in dance to entertain the pride. They might perform to an audience or to individuals.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Tarinankertoja (Storyteller)
    Storytellers often roam past the borders of the pride to collect stories, or to make stories up to tell the rest of the pride. Normally they tell stories to the youth of the pride, but sometimes they're asked to tell stories to audiences for entertainment or during events. Some story-tellers record the history of the pride and pass those stories down as well.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Common Youth

Oppipoika (Apprentice)
    Adols in the pride who have begun their training for their adult ranks. They're expected to perform their jobs with supervision of a member in their field. Slave members do not have rank equivalent.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Nouriso (Youth)
    All cubs that are born in, or join, the pride! See Slave Ranks in the next post for non-hybrid cubs.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements


Orja (Slave)
    The general rank for a slave. There are specialized Slave Ranks that you can read below. Any non-hybrid member of the pride is automatically considered a slave, regardless of their heritage (ie. a hybrid parent).
  • Unlimited (Open) - non-hybrid member
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:51 am


Assistentti (Aide)
    Personal slaves for high-ranking members of the pride. Any slaves owned by the Chancellor, Consort, Heir, or any of the council members. They hold the highest power among the other slaves and often act as a go-between for the council and the rest of the slaves.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Rakkaat Orja (Beloved Slave)
    These are some of the more "free" slaves. They're very much treated as regular members of the pride but since they are non-hybrids they are still classed as slaves. Non-hybrid children of members can also take this rank.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Fameli Orja (Family Slave)
    Slaves owned by a specific individual or family (should they be a common rank). They're traded sometimes if they're not useful to that individual. Most captured slaves are either this rank, or the grunt rank.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Kasvatus Orja (Breeding Slave)
    Breeding slaves are a very important part of the pride. Since most hybrids are infertile, these slaves are encouraged to breed and fling to have hybrid children. If the slave population gets low, they may breed with a member of their own species, but usually they are encouranged to birth hybrids, which are then raised in hybrid families.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Orja (Grunt)
    General slaves of the pride. Many don't have specific ranks and were possibly born into the pride by other orja. Some may have been captured and seen as useful but not to the individual - only captured to prove they could.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

Nouriso Orja (Young Slave)
    Non-hybrid cubs in the pride. They may be born in or brought in from the outside. Once they reach adolescence, they are expected to take adult roles, unlike their hybrid counterparts.
  • Unlimited (Open) - no requirements

General Info

    Slaves are treated differently depending on their standing. While they aren't particularly treated poorly, they aren't treated at the same level as hybrids. Remember, treatment of slaves is based on the individual, but a slave with a higher standing, or someone else's personal slave might be defended by their owner.

    Slaves are not given any political standing. They cannot decide on anything about pride matters, no matter how high they are in the slave ranks. However, high ranking slaves may attempt to sway their owners a certain way and have a personal standing in this.

    Crimes against slaves isn't talked about very much, they aren't treated as citizens regarding crimes against them. However, commiting a crime may be dealt with via a swift punishment. However, overt abuse of slaves isn't tolerated and the non-hybrid member may be punished depending on the severity.
  • Assistentti take care of inter-orja crimes, or may report abuse to the council should it happen.

Jobs and Duties
    Beyond normal duties described by their ranks, Orja that do not have particular jobs may help regular members with theirs. They might also be used as messengers or take on other menial jobs. Grunts are expected to answer to anyone, while owned slaves do not have to respond to anyone beyon their owners.

Being Obtained or Captured
    Born in slaves can be claimed easily by family, tho sometimes when two breeding slaves have cubs that are non-hybrid, regular members may claim them. This must be discussed OOCly.

    ICly, regular members may claim any slave that is considered a grunt.

    For sport, occassionally members will try to prove themselves by capturing non-hybrids and keeping them within the lands until they're trusted not to bolt at a moments notice. Captured slaves must belong to an individual. Non-hybrids that join of their own free will are given a lot more freedom, however, and may take any slave rank.

    For a slave to leave, they must ask their owner to be released. If their owner refuses, they may go above their head and ask the Chancellor to release them. They must go through the Assistentti to do this.

    Occassionally, slaves may be released if they behave badly enough, though this is very rare and must be discussed OOCly.

Koti Kaikille Coalition

[IC] Koti Kaikille Lands

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