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What is their name?
Lexi Darksilver

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Aura Manipulation: Aura Manipulation is a flexible yet complicated ability, limited by mental focus and strong emotions. Scientifically, she possesses an inert ability to recognize emotional characteristics, which serve as unconscious triggers to her own abilities, resulting in a unique array of abilities catered to all emotions

Red: Passion, Drama, Love, Anger and Agression
Physical Augmentation: Lexi is able to channel her aura into her bodies in order to increase their physical aspects like strength and speed.

Optimal Fitness: The ability to employ any/all acquired skills at their most efficient form and utilize them in ways that are effective enough to realize your objectives.

Orange: Excitement, warmth, enthusiasm, insincerity, and self indulgence
Empathy: Lexi can fully interpret the emotions, moods and temperaments of others via reading their auras of any living creature.

Emotional Consistency: Lexi's powers are dependent on maintaining a certain emotional state (fear, anger, etc.). Should these states be undermined, the she may become weaker and easier to neutralize. This maybe also be effected by feelings and moods. For example, if she becomes overwhelmingly afraid, powered by blue aura, she'll lose access to abilities not powered by blue aura.

Aura Mimicry: Lexi can change their Aura to match others. She can feel the emotions of others and can trick other users with Aura Reading to have an aura signature of a stranger, or a friend.

Yellow:: Optimism, energy, confidence, anxiety, cowardice and fear
Aura Constructs:Lexi is able to create constructs from her aura. Most commonly she uses this to create armour for herself, barriers, shields of walls to protect or trap others, or weapons such as blades. She may also create platforms to allow herself and other to reach otherwise in accessible places.

Energy Blast:Lexi can project her aura in many different forms of destructive forces. She can form energy balls in the form of an orb in varying sizes and power, release a omni-direction pulse of energy, or release a powerful beam of energy.

Energetic Pressure: The power to generate enormous amounts of energy that is capable of crushing or damaging anything and everything in the surrounding areas. Lexi can use her energy to cause crushing or repelling effects on objects or areas, can cause target to be paralyzed by the pressure, induce fear, or kill with only her energy. She can cause an attacks to be negated or have no effect at all.

Life-Force Attacks: Lexi can release/use aura to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Indomitable Will: Lexi has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling her to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control and Subliminal Seduction. Through her will the user can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against her, possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing themselves past her own limitations

Spiritual Energy Conversion: Lexi can convert her aura or those of others into any form of matter or energy for usage. she can cause their conversions to have certain properties such as healing.

Green:: Health, peace, secure, materialistic and possessive
Disease Detection: Through the colours and position of one's aura Lexi can tell if someone is unwell physically, mentally or emotionally.

Healing: Lexi has a somewhat limited capability to heal others. She cannot instantly heal broken bones or mend flesh, but by manipulating others aura she can promote healing in others in order for them to recover faster.

Healing Aura: Lexi can project an aura of healing and mending energies, focusing the energies she can emit from herself and those effected have their physical wounds healed. They can even cause at a greater extent can cure infectious diseases and poisons, can heal one's mental state and/or even heal one's soul.

Empathic Healing: Lexi can heal others' emotional wounds and/or burdens, but the pain of the injury will also carry over to her in terms of psychic pain. This type of healing is generally very costly to her and may block some of her other abilities for a time depending on the trauma she heals.

Mental Healing: Lexi can heal mental illnesses, disorders and other forms of mental trauma, to their healthy state and reverse the effects of mental tampering, such as mind control or memory loss.

Internal Bodily Cleansing: Lexi can "cleanse" others of any impurities within their physical bodies (narcotics, radiation, etc.) This applies only to said impurities and does not extend to healing any actual wounds.

Aura Trapping: Lexi can bind, imprison, and/or otherwise stop beings by surrounding them completely and conceivably forever (due to the others aura fueling the power) within their own aura. Regardless of her intentions turning target's aura against is often/always very painful.

Enhanced Wisdom: Aura reading allows her to perceive things others normally wouldn't be able to. She can read ones personally in an instant, as well as their current emotional state. This allows her a certain wisdom in how to deal with others.

Causality Perception: In short, Lexi is a flawless tacticians. She can understand everything, she always several steps ahead of everyone else, impossible to catch off-guard, and always achieve the best possible results.

Combat Perception: Similar to enhanced wisdom, aura reading gives her an edge in combat as she is able to tell what one is likely to do base on their personality and current emotional state.

Spiritual Meditation: Lexi can enter or achieve oneness with their spiritual essence as well her mind, making her able to develop a high level consciousness over bodily processes, as well reduce stress and pain on the body. She is also able to detach oneself from worldly concerns, achieve spiritual enlightenment, and gain control of all of her abilities. This provides some protection to mental manipulation. She can still be manipulated, but with much greater effort than others.

Astral Projection: Lexi can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access of travel to the Astral Plane. This leaves her physical body vulnerable.

Dowsing: Lexi can locate others through Astral Projection and locking onto ones aura signature. She must be familiar with someones aura to do this.

Aura Implanting: Lexi can take some of her own aura, or an aura she has taken or can generate and implant it within a body or an object. She is able to track down or keep tabs on whatever, or whoever she puts the aura into.

Tranquil State: Lexi can remain calm in virtually any situation, allowing her to think with perfect clarity even when under extreme emotional or physical distress. Lexi can endure mental stress, and can be essentially immune to emotional manipulation and highly resistant to torture.

Violet: Reflection, self awareness, compassion, irritability and arrogance
Aura Reading:Lexi can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, which can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment.

Aura Detection: Lexi can sense the presence of auras and gain detailed understanding about the auras she is sensing, including the amount/size of auras and whether they are hidden.

Clear Mind: It is a mind that is totally calm - a mind not influenced or caught up in events or others emotion, thus a mind more able to freely perceive and respond.

Illusion Awareness: Due to all living things having an aura, if one were to attempt to preform an illusion on her Lexi would likely realize quickly due to the lack of aura around creatures in the illusion. Additionally she is able to see through most types of invisibility as she'll see their aura.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
►The amount of tasks Lexi can preform at one time is limited to focus, emotion and available energy. The more she tries to do at one time the more mentally and physically taxing it is for her.

Emotional Consistency: Lexi's powers are dependent on maintaining a certain emotional state (fear, anger, etc.). Should these states be undermined, the she may become weaker and easier to neutralize. This maybe also be effected by feelings and moods. For example, if she becomes overwhelmingly afraid, powered by blue aura, she'll lose access to abilities not powered by blue aura.

►All green power abilities require total focus, meaning she cannot preform other activities such as shield generation and has extremely limited perception of her surroundings. It is possible that while attempting to heal ones aura she may become overwhelmed by the other persons emotional state.

►When she isn't using her aura like armour she is as squishy as a regular human.

What is their personality like?
The events of Lexi's life and the war have hardened her from the bubbly friendly girl she once was. Still she is passionate about fighting the Dominion and of the surface confident and friendly. She’ll do whatever she can to help others and will always choose to save as many people as possible, even at a great cost to herself, having a strong sense of moral justice. Lexi is intelligent, caring, decisive and dedicated. There are very few people she lets see the other side. The one full of doubts and fears and sleepless nights.

What is their backstory?
Lexi has a long and complicated history; however, this is what is what is known at least by those who have known her from the early days. She was first brought to Providence roughly three years ago. She was driving with a friend when an out of control Deviant with rage empowerment abilities attacked the vehicle she was in, yet a mysterious barrier would protect her from harm. It was the agents of Providence who would subdue the beast and bring Lexi to their facility where Lionel Kingsley would tell her about Deviants. It was also where she met Mathis Mathews.

She took a break from her studies in order to learn about these new powers and how to control them. Unfortunately due to the series of events that followed she would never finish her degree. Only days after she learned about Deviants the first attack came from the Dominion in what would be a tragic case of wrong place, wrong time for Lexi. While she was just grasping the concept of super powered individuals and agencies like Providence a long-standing issue had finally boiled over. Why should Deviants hide themselves from the humans when they were clearly the next step in evolution? Many people died that day, in a graphic display of power that still haunts Lexi to this day.

It was a year after that that her parents work would come to light. While Lexi thought they were merely doing scientific research like most in their profession, it turned out they were doing horrific experiments on Deviants that was tantamount to torture. Thanks to one Marcus Wells, one of her parents experiments who managed to escape and kill them, their work was broadcast to the entire world. This was her first run in with their work, however it would not be her last.

After surviving a second Dominion attack Lexi made the push to fight back. Mathis was reluctant. Lionel all too eager. They found a Vigilante named Adam Ward to train them behind Providence's back and recruited others who were willing. It was in the 11th hour that Providence was convinced they ought to fight. Even with their help though it was all for nothing and they easily defeated by the Dominion. Some of their friends died, others were captured, only a few escaped. Lexi was one of the few who managed to get away. After that she began training with renewed focus and an unbreakable will leading to huge jumps in capabilities.

Since then she’s lead the rescue of their captured comrades, lead several fights on the front lines and generally been a leader for Providence and a pain in side for Dominion.

Is there anything else we need to know?

➣Became skilled in free running during her teen years.
➣Has a masters degree in Biotechnology
➣She didn't choose the name Halo, but now goes by it more than Lexi.

What is their faceclaim?
Amy Lee