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What is their name?
Lucy Xiao Long

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Supernatural Conditioning: Expert Level (Example: Power Man): Strong enough to lift construction vehicles and destroy thick steel, fast enough to outrun race-cars, durable enough to withstand most explosions.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
She can still die from physical injury. As a Catalyst product and not a natural Deviant, Lucy experience episodes where her power will stop working. She'll suddenly become weak, tired and hungry without warning, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes.

What is their personality like?
Determined, focused, detached and untrusting She has no problem torturing someone to get the information she needs and will do whatever it takes to complete her mission. Her untrusting nature is what has kept her alive both in her former job and in her new mission.

What is their backstory?
Lucy was an assassin, killing whoever she was paid to without too much question. It has been nearly a year since her last contract though. While she hadn't contacted her brother for years, she always checked in on him, watching from afar. That was until Kronin Tower collapsed with him inside. Ever since than she has been on a personal vendetta to take out any deviant, but the Regime in particular. She will prove that she is just as good as them, better even, and that no one is untouchable. She will prove that humans still ruled this Earth and that her brother didn't deserve to die.

Though she wasn't particularly interested in being a leader among the hunters her former job makes her particularly well equipped to do so. At first they wanted her to teach other hunters, but she was a terrible teacher so she ended up mostly hunting solo, while occasionally helping with group missions and giving her input at council meetings As the war progressed it became clear that humans really didn't stand a chance in this war. This was a war between super powered individuals and if Lucy wanted revenge on those in the Dominion she would need to gain powers herself. How to gain such powers though? It wasn’t as if it was something one could simply buy on the black market, though many pretended you could. There were all kinds of snake oil and fake rituals promising powers. At best you lost a little bit of money, at worst you ended up dead. Her employer however had certain…connections.

The first part was easy. A simple DNA test. In reality it wasn’t so simple given that Catalyst seemed to be the biomedical group around who knew how to test for Deviance. Either way it came back positive, Lucy did have dormant Deviant genes, and that was all she cared about presently. The second part was much harder. So much so that most didn’t survive the activation of their Deviant genes. Lucy was one of the lucky few who survived though, coming out stronger than ever. These sorts of things though, they don’t come for free.

Is there anything else we need to know?