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What is their name?
Leon Farshaw

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Typhokinesis - Leon can create, shape and manipulate smoke. He can create smoke screens to cover his escape, or clear smoke from an area. He can deoxygenate a room or area by filling it with smoke, causing hallucinations, unconsciousness and even death. Naturally this is more difficult in an outdoor environment. Additionally he has mastered making smoke nearly solid, similar to that of a master Aerokinetic. He has also mastered a smoke form.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
He is weak against Aerokinesis as they can scatter his smoke. Additionaly while in smoke form he is weak against anything that can trap or scatter smoke. He can be killed by any means that would kill a human.

What is their personality like?
Leon is a rude, blunt, cynical and foul mouthed, yet cool-headed and nonchalant individual.He is often drunk, mischievous and cheeky.

What is their backstory?
Leon discovered his power at the age of sixteen, though he wisely kept it to himself. Their apartment building had caught fire, but while everyone else was choking and crawling on the floor he was fine. When they could find their way out due to all the smoke, it seemed to clear at his thought. In all the chaos no one else seemed to notice. It wasn’t hard to hide since he didn’t run into a lot of smoke in his day to day life. When he turned eighteen he enlisted in the army. He served until last year, the age of twenty-six. When deviance became publicly known, it didn’t take long for the superior officers to figure it out given the amount of impossible situations he had survived. He was discharged. He could still have his full benefits though, they just didn’t trust his kind in the military in case he was a Dominion spy. Since then he had spent most of his time drinking. Leon found himself caught up in the Battle of New York, were he been one of the unfortunate souls captured by the Dominion.
His time there was worse than most due to the sudden detox and violent withdraw symptoms of his alcoholism. Despite this he quickly went back to the drink after he was freed.

Is there anything else we need to know?
answer here

What is their faceclaim?
Donald Joseph "D. J." Cotrona