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What is their name?
Alison Valentine

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Time Manipulation:Alison can slow and rewind time, but won’t be affected herself or anything that happens to be on her person. As such it can be presumed that one day she might be able to bring others back in time with her or have them not be affected by the slow down as her powers grow. Currently she can rewind a maximum of one hour before passing out.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
If Alison become incapacitated or killed she cannot rewind time. Also since she isn’t affected by the rewind she cannot heal injuries to herself by rewinding.

What is their personality like?
Her power has made her reckless and somewhat arrogant seeing as her actions rarely have consequences. She can be petty and vindictive, taking revenge by doing something like dumping hot coffee on someone and then rewinding so she doesn’t get in trouble for it. She can also be manipulative by repeating conversations if they don’t go the way she wants. Alison is over dependant on her power, frequently using it too much leading to headaches, nosebleeds and occasionally passing out. She avoids talking about her past and one of her favourite things to do is waste food. Nothing makes her feel richer than wasting food.

What is their backstory?
Alison was born into a poverty stricken family, always moving from one trailer or run down apartment to the next, her parents always on the run from debt collectors or claiming some opportunity that would finally make their lives better. There was never enough food to go around, never mind clothing or anything as luxurious as toys and she was often left alone while her mother and father tried to earn a living. As such, Alison largely learned to take care of herself. It started at a young age, breaking into other people's houses. She didn't steal anything major at first. Food mostly, loose change laying around sometimes clothes if there were some that she liked and seemed her size. Over time she got more brave, targeting richer homes and taking more and more things until one day she was caught having tripped a silent alarm. In a moment of panic, surrounded by police, Alice discovered her powers. All the sudden the police were gone and she had a splitting headache. Confused but not wanting to push her luck she left the house in a hurry only to see the same police driving down the street towards the house. Since then she has been experimenting with her power and using it on riskier and riskier robberies.

Is there anything else we need to know?

What is their faceclaim?
Grace Phipps