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What is their name?
Anastasiya Volkov

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Aerokinesis:The ability to manipulate the very air. A master in her gift, she there is little she cannot do.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
Anastasiya is as mortal as they come.

What is their personality like?
Nothing brings her greater pleasure than the screams of others. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor and is ambitious, demanding and cunning.

What is their backstory?
Born in rural Russia with heavily religious parents, when her powers first began to develop as a young child she didn’t understand the implications of her gift and gleefully showed her parents how she could make the flowers dance in the breeze. Frightened, they turned to the only place they knew they could get help, deviance not yet being public knowledge, the church. Her recollection of her time at the church is hazy at best, a string of punishments and attempts of exorcisms to get rid of the evil inside her that allowed her to manipulate the wind. She does remember the arrival of Viktor with clarity however, though she didn’t learn his name until later. A well-dressed man, who approached her and asked to see her gift. Fearing more harsh punishments she instantly broke down in tears and hysterics. Those memories always embarrass her, how weak she had been at the time. After many comforting words and assurances that no harm would come to her, she did eventually show Viktor her gift. As promised she was not harmed, but rather whisked away in his expensive looking car. She had a new life now and with it a new name; Anastasiya, after the grand duchess who had escaped death when the rest of royal family had been slain.

From one extreme to the other, what once gave her punishments now gave her rewards. Every success she had, every new development in strength or new trick she learned with her abilities earned her praise, presents and new freedoms, until she earned the ultimate reward. The opportunity to hurt the one who had hurt her so horribly as a child. The bishop died a slow death over several days, Anastasiya enjoying every scream as she tortured him with nothing but her gift. Through his actions she had become the very monster he had been trying to prevent.

With his death and her coming of age she was officially a part of Bratva, more than a mere member, but a part of the family. After several years she was sent to America with another deviant who had quickly risen in the ranks of Bratva, to establish an American branch. However while in America there was a power grab in Bratva that lead to Varpulis leaving the organization to work with the Dominion.

Is there anything else we need to know?

What is their faceclaim?
Kate Winslet