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What is their name?
Dr. Krista Morhan

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?
Twenty Eight

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Prehensile Tendrils: From her back she can produce eight extra limbs, black in colour, with a maximum length of about thirty meters and strength about four times her own. She can control their size, shape and length or make them disappear entirely.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
While they heal much faster than the rest of her the tendrils can be physically hurt and she will feel pain from them. Since they have no bones they cannot be broken, but can be cut, burned, frozen etc. If destroyed or removed they take about twelve hours to grow back.

What is their personality like?
Krista is generally friendly and usually willing to help if approached, but usually shares very little about herself with others. She likes to consider a situation carefully before acting and can often empathize with both sides of a problem. She spends her free time reading or studying whatever interests her.

What is their backstory?
Krista discovered her powers at the age of twelve. While her father was open to her gift she was largely ostracized from the rest of the family. As such, even though her power is easily controlled she grew up at Providence in New York State. With their help she studied medicine and eventually became a general surgeon. Eventually she moved to Sacramento to look after her ailing Father. Fate was cruel though. First came the attack on Sacramento that lead to her fathers death, as well as many others in the city. Then came the famed Battle of New York, where she was captured by the Dominion. They recognized her as a healer rather than a fighter so her stay in Isolation was much more comfortable than most. After five long months all those who were captured would be rescued.

Is there anything else we need to know?

What is their faceclaim?