If there is a forum that doesn’t already exist and you’d like it to, come fill our a forum request. Just copy and paste this code and fill in the blanks for what you need. However, we may alter the request and make something similar if we don’t completely agree with your request. We will let you know if we will make a forum like your request or if we don’t think it really applies or is necessary. Most likely, your request will be filled.

Forum Location:
Sanctuary of Arcana
Forum Name:
Fishing Shack
Forum Description:
A small bait and tackle shop where travelers and fisherman alike come to buy wares needed for fishing on the Nehavi Lake. There are many restrictions on fishing the lake, placed by the Arcanists, so the shop has remained quite clean and pristine. Beware of the owners, for they won’t tolerate criminals, lest they make the Arcanists angry.
Forum Picture URL(s):

Forum Request Form:
[align=center][size=11][b]Forum Location:[/b]
[b]Forum Name:[/b]
[b]Forum Description:[/b]
[b]Forum Picture URL(s):[/b]
URL [/size][/align]