Hey there! So in this guild we’ll have four different types of “events”. An event is just where we will make an announcement where multiple characters can flock to a single forum for greater interaction. Firstly, how do we determine what happens in the Events? Good question. Crew Members are always discussing event ideas and we already have many lined up. However, we love to include the members as well, check out the OOC sub-forum to see if there’s currently a poll about a major storyline progression or about event ideas. If you have ideas about an event, post about it in that sub-forum and we’ll check it out. Just know that while we read all of your ideas, they just may not fit with the story and may not be used. Now, how do we determine the consequences of an event? Another good question! In our Crew and OOC Forums we will be rolling dice and picking random numbers to see who gets good consequences and who is a little more unfortunate. Please understand that there are good and bad consequences to participating in events! That’s just a part of the realism of this guild. So be a good sport no matter what happens. Although, if a result makes you upset or very uncomfortable, we’ll see what we can revise/alter to make it better for you.

So let me make a quick explanation of each event type and then I’ll explain what happens when an event is announced and what happens if you miss an event.

Character Events:
These are events that will only happen to one or two characters. These can vary from character epiphany, fights between characters, or even a character death. These are the only events that will not be announced guild-wide but we will let all participating members know about the event beforehand.

Spot Events:
A “Spot Event” is a quick event in one of the already-created forums. When we make an announcement for a Spot Event, we’ll post a link to the forum where it will be located so you can see if one or more of your characters are nearby. Now, that means that if your only character is in the Central Athenaeum and the event is in the Scorched Plains, you probably won’t make it to the event (we want to keep things realistic, which means no spontaneous teleportation).

Don’t worry if your character is too far away or too preoccupied to participate in a Spot Event. They’re really quick and have no crucial value to the main storyline. At most your character would miss some juicy information or some additional lore. At their longest length, a Spot Event will last about a week or so.
Examples: Spot Events include: Hunts, Sales at a Shop, Specialty Jobs, Investigations, and Natural Phenomenons.

Routine Events:
A “Routine Event” is something we utilize to keep people active. That means that if things are slower, you’ll most likely see more Routine Events than normal, and vise versa if people are really active. Now, Routine Events tend to center around certain groups (like a Therianist Clan Meeting or Rune Mage Classes). However, if we see inactivity in more than one group we’ll extend it to others (like a party or heist event). Routine Events are usually conducted in an already-established forum (which means we don’t create a new location for it) but there can be exceptions to this (like us creating a temporary forum for a house which a party is located in, things like that).

Routine Events do not have a set time period, but we will try to keep them between one and three weeks in length. Remember, these are used just to get people to be more active. Now, if your character is supposed to be involved in a Routine Event but you miss it, look down below to see what to do if your character misses this type of Event. Do try your best to participate in these because we do give away special information/items to those that actively participate in them.
Examples: Family/Clan meetings, Classes/Trainings, Athenaeum Events, Store Events, Parties, Heists, and Spat Battles (fights that last longer than a 1x1 or small fight, but not as long as an actual battle).

Long-Term Events:
Long-Term Events are guild-wide and everyone is expected to participate. These events will be announced a few days in advance so that your character(s) have time to finish up what they’re doing so they can move on to the event. Once a Long-Term Event is started we will start PMing and quoting you if you’re still posting outside of the event (We don’t mean to undermine your roleplaying, but we do need to keep things moving in a progressive fashion. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to readdress conversations and such in the Event space).

Long-Term Events are very special because they can happen in one of two ways. Either we will create a new forum for them (like a battlefield) or the event will take place in several forums. Basically, they are conflicts that your characters need to work through (like a plague) and survive. Remember that Long-Term Events are times where your characters will be tested and at times they will suffer and may even have the possibility of getting critical or dying. This is rare, but I just want to let you know it can happen. Like I mentioned, these events are crucial and if you completely miss one you are most likely going to be subject to some form of punishment (not you as in a member, but you as in one or more of your characters). Check below to know what to expect if you miss one of these events and do your best to participate!

Where do I go if an event is announced?
→ If an event is announced and your character is already interacting with someone else, you have three days to finish up with each other before you need to move into the event. If your roleplaying partner hasn’t replied to you in that time, notify one of the Crew or your roleplay partner and we’ll issue a bit of a times skip so your character(s) can move into the event.

→ If an event is announced and you have new characters, just go ahead and post them first in the event. Events are the easiest way for lots of characters to interact easily. An event will usually last at least one week, though they can be spot events which means that they will only last a few days and only those who post there fast enough will be able to participate (Remember Spot Events are not entirely crucial to the storyline and we’ll announce whether an event is a Spot, Routine, or Long-Term so you can decide whether or not you want your characters to participate).

How do I know where an event is located?
→ EVERY event (excluding Character Events, those will only be notified to the participating characters) is going to be announced beforehand through a Guild Announcement. We’ll tell you briefly what it may include and even give you a link to where it will be. We will also include a picture of the World Map so you can see if your characters are nearby (this is more important in a Spot Event but it will affect how soon your character will get to any event).

→ If you have any other questions regarding an event, contact one of the crew members (either through PM or via quote in the OOC).

What do I do if I missed an event?
→ If your character missed a Spot Event, it’s not a very big deal for those are just quick events that happen every so often to get some characters together for short periods of time. Spot Events include: Hunts, Sales at a Shop, Specialty Jobs, Investigations, and Natural Phenomenons (like Meteor Showers or a Golden Tide). Like I said, these aren’t crucial to the storyline, but if your character is near one, try to participate! They may just learn something interesting.

→ We will let you know personally what happens if you miss a Character Event. These can range from your character losing an ability/item all the way to a character death (which can be used as punishment for being extremely inactive or breaking one of the rules). We will always let you know of the possible outcomes of a Character Event. If you’re extremely uncomfortable with a proposed Character Event, let us know and we will revise it. However, if you simply want to ignore a Character Event (like ignoring a challenge to fight or ignoring a consequence) you’re subject to further punishment, so please keep us informed!

→ If your character misses a Routine Event, try not to worry too much. Just make sure in your next post after the event to address that they missed the event because [....] (*Example: Sheria had missed the clan meeting because she had been hot on the trail of a large stag. Or something of that nature).

→ If your character completely misses a Long-Term Event (which are very crucial to storylines) without letting us know you’d be absent, your character may be at a higher risk of attack or unluckiness. Now, long-term events last for quite a while, so it shouldn’t be too hard to post at least once or twice. Also, if you let us know that you’ll be gone for a certain amount of time, odds are we’ll actually postpone the Event so that you and others can participate. However, you will get a punishment if you miss these events without letting us know about an extended absence beforehand. As I mentioned, that can include some “not-so-lucky” encounters. We’ll PM you before these happen to make sure you understand why it’s happening.

→ If you don’t respond to our PMs regarding you missing the event, we will wait one week for you to respond or post in the forums before something rather “unfortunate” will happen to your character which can lead to a character death. Which means that if you’re attached to your character(s), make sure to let us know if you’ll be gone!

*NOTE: You nor your character(s) will be punished if you let us know about your Absence! However, if you did let us know, you’re responsible for addressing what your character(s) missed while you were gone and we won’t be responsible for what you may have missed (if your roleplay partner(s) were puppeting your character(s), your character(s) has a chance of getting the same perks as their characters, but this has to be established before you leave). After you make that initial post you can go ahead and continue posting just like normal. If a lot has happened (for example, you missed a Long-Term Event) and you’re confused about where to put your character(s), PM or quote one of the crew in the OOC and we’ll put you up-to-speed on what happened and give you recommendations about where you can post next.