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Ram's expression had become all but unreadable as his cousin had continued with his tale. Auberon had done well to gather the information he had in light of what seemed to have happened over the course of the last few weeks. Based on his explanations, his son had taken the mantle of leadership and the sea had accepted him. For all intents and purposes he had followed the rules as tradition had dictated and had been approved. Nevertheless, the manner in which Shui now chose to rule was ruffling feathers, and to disrupt it now would serve neither side in the grand scheme of things.

What had been made abundantly clear however, was that those that Ram had often fobbed off and placated were now at the helm. They had made use of his son's grief, they'd gained his confidence, and in doing so their more hardlined views were being heard. Ram had to concede that on this occasion he was at fault, he had educated his children to be mindful of tradition, but also to be more accepting of those who made mistakes. In doing so he had conveniently skipped over why those traditions existed and the series of tragedies that had struct the pride each time they were ignored. Ram was an entity who, for the most part, believed in coincidence more than the supernatural... But even he had to accept that on occasion the timing was simply too close for comfort.

With his son vulnerable and all the evidence in place, it came as no real surprise to him that Shui had succumbed and been brought over to their way of thinking. For now it seemed that Auberon's observations brought reassurances that he hadn't quite moved in to the realms of extremity yet, but Auberon had been frank. He had watched and he had waited as Shui made his announcements, and it was now that Auberon bestowed the knolwedge of how the pride had reacted upon their missing King.

Some had reacted reasonably, Ram couldn't fault them for this... But the others? Unsurprisingly there had been a number to leave in a fury, some young and others of rogue blood. Those that stayed appeared to be weathering the storm but even they had spoken out of turn, and even they had forgotten who they were. It was a difficult state of affairs and based on the extreme hostility he had faced from those who should have known better, Auberon now had strong reason to believe that the young King might very well go beyond the point of no return.

...And yet he still advised against intervening.

"So we are of the opinion that these theatrics need to play out on their own," Ram said at last as he regarded his cousin, his lips pursing.

"If you were to return now it would do a grave disservice to both you and to him," Auberon shook his head. Truth be told Ram was in no state to move any significant distance, he'd sustained heavy damage and he wasn't a young creature anymore, the healing process would take time. "From what I understood, though he lacked tact, he was reinforcing the policies you already had in place," he continued and released a sigh. "Policies that many seem to have conveniently forgotten because you have become a touch soft since you took your seat of power in those lands..."

Auberon gazed towards his cousin pointedly. Ram had vanished one day, years upon years ago, and he simply hadn't returned. He'd disappeared from the small group of lions who had made up a band of vagabonds and explorerers. It was only by pure chance that he had eventually been found again and even then the vagabonds had chosen to keep their distance. It had come as a surprise to them all to find he had settled, he just hadn't seemed the type, but to find out he had taken a seat of power had been even more stunning. It had taken some time to get to the bottom of that and even then it seemed the influence of the Bahari'mtoto themselves had brought out the much more honourable and duty-bound side of him.

"Your point is valid," Ram wouldn't argue, he had been allowing those around him to enjoy themselves without truly addressing their behaviour. He'd given an inch and a fair few of them had taken a smile, some of them had even forgotten who was in charge, as testatment to the apparent howling that had occurred at the start of this meeting. Alas, Auberon had left quietly before it had progressed towards the finale and as it stood, neither individual knew of Hima's treatment of her own son...or the now spiralling tensions between the Bahari'mtoto and the Kizingo'zaa.

Regardless, if they had known it would have made very little difference, Ram was in no condition to travel and he couldn't have prevented the madness at this time even if he'd wanted to.

No, as supernatural and divine as this intervention seemed to be, it was clearly necessary for all parties.

"To interrupt him now would reinforce that those who spoke out of turn and disrespected the position. I was of the impression that if the sea accepted it's new leader -"

"Then their rule is cemented," Ram replied simply, it was a confirmation. Based on the information to hand it was quite clear that the denizens who spoke out against Shui had forgotten that the sea had determined he was fit to rule. They were not above the divine entities that made that decision, strange as the tradition might be to an outsider. Hell, even Ram had taken part in the ceremony to secure the role and reinforce that his powergrab had been legitimate (even if his daughter's had not).

Silence fell between the pair for a short time.

"If I were to return then those who spoke out and forgot their place would have their behaviour reinforced. Brash and naive, I can only assume they would be of the opinion that I would overrule and revert any changes that have been made."

His brother nodded.

"Would you?" Auberon asked at last.

"It would depend entirely on what Shui has done, if the policy already existed and the pride had simply been ignoring it because it suited their inappropriate behaviour, then there is nothing to revert."

"I see."

"It would seem my son has, in a roundabout way, done me a great service... However I remain concerned for his own wellbeing."

"Due to his advisors or the pride itself?"

"Both," Ram grimaced and glanced over his shoulder briefly to the meandering lions who were going about their daily business. The Al'Siq was an unusual place, their social structure was broken into what appeared to be three sections, though one would need to consider a fourth (as Ram was inclined to do), if they were to acknowledge the Scourge as part of their pride. Contrary to what the Al'Siq might say, Ram was of the belief that if they were born here they were Al'Siq...regardless of whatever colour they might have been. Nevertheless, within those social ranks each individual seemed to have a profession...but unlike the Bahari'mtoto it could change.

For all intents and purposes this region seemed to be quite fluid on the expecations of the pride and the role each member played.

"The traditionalists that seem to have gained his trust are perhaps the most dangerous within the pride, with enough of a push he could move into realms I would sooner none of my family explored," he admitted. "However, the toxic screaming and inability of the so-called 'liberal' members of the pride to temper their own voices and step back to consider what is before them may also drive him further into their arms."

Auberon remained quiet, Ram was in deep thought and it was best not to interrupt him.

"He needs loyal allies, ones that do not have an opinion," he said at last and clucked his tongue; at this Auberon's eyebrow raised. Ram was referring to guards, pure muscle that were there to protect the King from either side. He was referring to individuals who would answer to only him and by extension, were allied to him alone. That being said, Auberon could only assume Ram's intention was for them to 'fit in', to be silent and non confrontational regarding either side's views... To have one view one way or the other would simply reinforce the strength of the determined side.

"Mercenaries generally aren't that tactful," Auberon warned and shook his head.

"Mercenaries aren't," Ram agreed and raised a brow. "But you, and by extension my old friends, are more than capable."

"You want us to play the role of guardian?"

"I do," he smiled wryly. "But we will need to ensure that you and our friends are installed strategically, that we play to the whims of his closest 'confidantes' for now. The only way to access him will be to play their game."

"More theatrics."

"More theatrics," Ram agreed. "But necessary. It seems we are on a precipice and while my son does what is necessary I would prefer it was not at the cost of his own sense of self," he murmured. For him that which was under threat was higher than he'd have liked, not only could he lose his son to something akin to madness, but both his family and pride could splinter. Rifts could form, and those wounds might be impossible to sew shut. In these moments he had come to realise that the past he had unintentionally forgotten might be one of the only ways to save what he held dear.

"Well I'm going to assume that means I have to ban Dulfy from opening his mouth," Auberon's maw held a bemused smile. "Otherwise he'll run his mouth."

"He never did handle arrogance well," Ram chuckled. "But the others, they will be on board?"

"I'd imagine they will be up for a bit of sport," Auberon nodded. He'd have to speak to them of course, but in the end, he had little doubt that his 'brothers in arms' would adopt the role of guardian and shield the boy. Technically it was their blood at risk, and to them, the familial bonds of friendship were an important part of who they were. Shui might not know of them yet, but by the end of his encounter with them, he'd realise they were a useful set of friends to have.

...Whether his advisors wanted it or not.

"Then it is settled, while I recover you will insure his safety." Ram released a very soft sigh of relief. "And when I return, you and our brothers will receive the accolades you deserve."

"Pretty girls and fine jewels?"

Auberon couldn't help but laugh at Ram's expression given the entire reason that the Bahari'mtoto's rift had even opened. There'd be no pretty girls for this group of lions, not unless they chose to marry, Auberon had no doubt Ram would castrate them himself if they tried to misbehave!

Words: 1,852