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"Intelligence suggests that the unease has subsided," The voice came from the depths of the shadows, though its owner had no deliberate motive for hiding. "That is not to say that divisions have also vanished, so much as an uneasy peace has settled over your lands," it continued. This was perhaps the most diplomatic way to describe the current state of the Bahari'mtoto but it was nonetheless accurate, upon the return of his own children it had become clear that there would be no war.

From what he had gathered, the 'fallen' King's brother had done well to quell the notion of further unrest, going much further as to actively intervene and undermine what he had soon come to realise was something quite unwelcome; a phantom, the very scourge to cause the beginnings of this dramatic arc.

"Based on observations prior to the arrival of my offspring back into their homeland, it would seem that your brother is rather astute," Destati finally slipped out of the shadows to afford the opportunity to glance out the 'window' of the cave. A convenient hole, worn away by the wind and rain, but it did add that touch of quaint homeliness.

"Though it did not prove to be successful it seemed that your son was set on a path towards more than just division," The larger lion swept passed the window and moved to take a seat beside Ram.

"Unrest, followed by a coup," Ram summarised with a small smile. He would make no secret of his own feelings, what had happened had taken its toll and he was tired. Though he had recovered physically from his ordeal, the intelligence reports gathered by the Al-Siq as they passed through on their own missions had come at a price. There had been several times in these long months that he had been tempted to intervene, to step foot in the Bahari and correct what had gone wrong.

Nevertheless Ram had listened to Auberon's counsel in those months and to that of those who had passed on the missives. There was little to be gained from protecting his son in these circumstances, if he had interrupted the events that followed then it would be irrelevant who he picked as heir next if Shui was ultimately rejected... there would be those who would always question the authority of the king and some of those would profess to do so on behalf of tradition.

"Indeed. Though it would seem that time continues to have the advantage of allowing wounds to heal and patience to be renewed," Destati hazarded a small smile.


"Your son has not shown further signs of aggression, once the Pride was fortified he seemed to settle," he replied. "Security is paramount and those who are strangers to the land are watched closely."

"And the Kizingo'zaa?"

Destati shook his head, on this one he had nothing to say. Intelligence on that particular region had been sparse, the Scourge had seemingly avoided that area and though he couldn't determine why at this stage, it had meant that his own sources hadn't had the opportunity to engage with that community.

"No movement," he murmured. "It seems they are 'welcome' in the Bahari'mtoto on the condition they forfeit all personal belongings at the border. One might say they are under extreme scrutiny when they arrive in the pride lands but they are not prevented from visiting family and friends," he pursed his lips. "I do not know the full scope of this domestic policy but it seems to be a form of compromise."

Ram held his piece for a time as he processed the information and released a sigh, he would consider this a boon. Though he had hoped Auberon would have a tempering influence on his son, it was good to see that Shui had still be on board with it. Ram would not have been happy to hear that family and friends had been separated because one ruler had arguably made a very dangerous gamble.

Alas, Ram did hope the Kizingo'zaa were doing well, he'd not wish harm on them even if they had attempted to destroy his pride. To this day he had little comprehension of why the foolish cub had deemed it necessary to try and poison adult and cub within the Bahari alike. Shui's hostility was almost warranted, though questions did remain in regards to addressing what had happened in the run up to...well...everything.

It seemed odd that an age old agreement had riled up the Kizingo'zaa cub that much, there must have been more to it. Ram would have to wait for more than just the observations of outsiders as they scouted the province. He was in for a surprise when he discovered that that was the reason for such a disproportionate retaliation.

"So he has done nothing since then," Ram pursed his lips thoughtfully and sat back again, he finally fixed his gaze on the spotted male who rolled his shoulder in a loose shrug.

"Honestly, it would seem not."

"Blinkered then," Ram gave a snort, a half laugh as it were. Shui was still showing signs of his youth and his naivety, evidently he thought that now the borders were secured and he had recruited enough skilled individuals, the terse and otherwise questionable 'peace' in the Bahari'mtoto was fine. In the end his failure to address the overarching divisions would cause more trouble and he had simply left it to simmer. If Shui didn't act then another most certainly would and based on all Ram had heard, Shui did not lack the capacity at this time to take a measured and strategic approach.

"A child," Destati pointed out gently. Shui was around the same age as Prometheus and due to prophecy and an otherwise highly religious and superstitious region, he had been cast into the throes of royalty the moment he had emerged from the shadows. So far, Prometheus had been surrounded by good advisors, the Justicars who had maintained the status quo and knew these lands like no other. So far he'd also been guarded by the might of the collectives that served under these justices of the peace, and yet there would be a time when he would have to make some difficult choices.

Choices that this nation were not guaranteed to support.

Choices that would cause great unrest depending on what path the young Emperor chose to take.

"How long would you leave it before you intervened?" Ram asked softly and tilted his head to the side. "Are we supposed to let them hit rock bottom, be subject to abject humiliation and defeat. As parents our duty should be to keep them safe and yet at some point we have to acknowledge they are adults."

"It would depend," Destati grimaced. He would intervene now if he could, place the Dragon Priests back in their churches and slam the doors shut. He would burn the bloody beasts to prevent them from stirring animosity anymore than they already had. As a Justicar he had always known the truth, but his voice among those who protected this world, had been drowned out by religious fervour and desperation. "Do you think he would listen, or would he dig his paws in and pretend he knew best?"

"If he is stubborn then it may humiliate him regardless of your intentions, but it might also cause the very issue you seek to avoid," the Justicar pointed out. "They might question whether any of your cubs are fit to rule," he shrugged.

"He has the capacity to listen, if he did not the Bahari'mtoto would already have gone to war and he likely would have been unseated," Ram stated plainly. If tempers had been so flared and ice water hadn't been cast over his son by someone then Ram was fairly certain the Bahari'mtoto would have ceased to exist. "He has been listening to someone, perhaps multiple individuals, which means he is open to at least something."

"Then perhaps you have your answer, Lost King."

"That is a woeful nickname."

"Missing King, Exiled King, Not-So-Dead King, I-Am-On-Vacation King?"

Ram settled an unimpressed stare on the Justicar and then shook his head. Perhaps it was time for him to take his leave of the Al-Siq, with his wounds healed there was no further reason to stay and it seemed that Shui's reign had settled into some form of normality. If the more nuanced aspects of diplomacy and bridge building were the only things that were needed, then it was Ram's duty to return and guide his son through those lessons.

...He hadn't taught him how to be king, he hadn't prepared him for what was involved and who might make use of it.

The Bahari'mtoto had suffered as a result of this, innocents made less equal and those more crude granted a means of promotion. Nevertheless, the cub had done some good, he had done what Ram had been remiss in doing.

A healthy balance needed to be struck sooner rather than later and Ram had absconded from his duty for long enough.

"It would seem we both have a long road ahead of us," Ram's smiled deepened and he lifted his paw to pat the Justicar's shoulder. "Though mine, I would hope, will prove less complex than yours," he admitted.

"An understatement if there ever was one, though may we both reach the same conclusion in the future, distant as it might be," Destati agreed.

There was a momentary pause.

"Would I be right in assuming you are in need of some guides to return you to your home, wayward soul?"

"It would be appreciated, yes."

"It will be arranged," Destati gave a nod. "You may wish to say your goodbyes, particularly to the twins," he smirked, Ram was one of the few who knew that truth. "I think they've become rather partial to you."

"I'm a rarity in their world," Ram chuckled as he rose to his paws. There were quite a number of individuals who needed his gratitude, it was better for him to start now, rather than to be caught out later. If there was one thing the Al-Siq did well it was military precision and when a Justicar set out to organise something it tended to happen quickly. "Give me a few hours at least, knowing your kind, you will have someone available in thirty minutes if I don't specify."

Destati merely smiled and gave a nod as he made to slip back into the shadows and into the winding caves of his 'estate'.

It seemed that some lost royalty would be returning home, though whether that home was ready for him remained to be seen...