
yandere_13's avatar


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Name: Loki

Age: old enough to be done with the worlds bull #$@* rolleyes

Gender? I barely know her! sweatdrop

pronouns: he/they/it (basically anything but she, get creative)

Sexuality: poly aro ace (the aesthetic attraction is so real bro)

single/taken: two partners! adore the both of them

fave colors: Green and Black

Fave artists: My Chemical Romance, Queen Bee

current long time obsession: Danmei. (like damn i been sitting in the mxtx fandom a while now....)

current fave anime/manga: Apothecary Diary and Chainsaw Man

Interests: Drawing, Writing, Cosplay

wahmbulance AO3: salty_gay_prince (im not ashamed to show my filth) 4laugh

my art: https://cosmicsaltlord.tumblr.com/

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Thoughts of a future author

i like to write about whatever pops into my mind...so some things might be a bit random ^.^ but thats good


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LofiAlien Report | 03/13/2024 10:21 pm
K y o F o o c h a Report | 10/27/2011 10:19 pm
K y o F o o c h a
lolol, yeah. I have one. I don't wana give it out in a comment but if you pm me we can exchange. :3
KarguraShiffer Report | 08/18/2010 4:47 pm
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works

copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000 gold it works
copy this to ten profiles and then log off and log on and get 100,000
CharlockBaggins Report | 02/01/2010 7:59 am
no no it's fine :3 my internet is completely down so i can only get on here in collage or at my friends house :/....so i'm sorry too :3

how have you been anyways ??
CharlockBaggins Report | 11/14/2009 2:14 pm
i've been alright smile thankyou
what about you??
CharlockBaggins Report | 11/05/2009 8:51 pm
haha dog years epic...wow i haven't been on here for aaaaaaaaaages razz
Shadows Harlot Report | 11/01/2009 8:24 am
Shadows Harlot
Hellz yeah! XD
Shadows Harlot Report | 10/31/2009 11:44 pm
Shadows Harlot
I ******** love him! D:
I can't wait for it either... mmm.... twisted
Shadows Harlot Report | 10/31/2009 11:36 pm
Shadows Harlot
My mom says that she prefers MCR to Tokio Hotel. O_o It's weird. lol.
Shadows Harlot Report | 10/31/2009 11:09 pm
Shadows Harlot
When I got mine, it said it was supposed to be like 26 bucks, and I was like there is no way in hell my parents would by it for me unless it were a special ocassion, and my mom came up to me, and was like, well I guess we could buy that for you. I was so effing shocked too! Not to mention, to make things all the more better, it was on sale, so they bought it for 16 instead of 26. It was epic! biggrin


Help, I'm alive!!! T.T Easy peasy pumkin peasy pumkin pie, mutha ********!!!!!! -Gerard Way
Homophobia is GAY!!! -Frank Iero
I am not afraid to keep on living.......
Art is a bang, un! -Deidara


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The govt doesnt care if you live or die, so you might as well both live and die for something the govt is againstbe gay do crime



Genocide is never ok