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Sakura_hikari92's avatar


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Some of the stuff here aren't really wanted anymore..


The excitement of Sakura_hikari

User Image
10 random facts about me
1. I'm more active on DeviantArt where you can find me as KlonoaOMG
2. I need to be on here more.
3. I just ate a cookie 8D
4. School is a total betch (spelt that wrong for a purpose y'know...)! D8<
5. I need time management classes.
6. I'm good at vector art.
7. People think I draw like a 14-16 year old.
8. My favourite colours are dark shades of blue.
9. I'm a freaking bibliophile deal with it.
10. I lose motivation to draw after sitting in a hot room.
1. Cake; strawberry plz.. I dont like cheese cake.. <.< >.>
2. Getting constructive critisism on my art; but not the ones that sound harsh!
3. Techno; something like 'The device has been modified' or Trance techno.
4. J-pop; sad that the really good singers dont get much publicity... *sigh*
5. Making flashes; yes, I DO make flashes I just dont bother to upload them.
6. School days with no homework; Hell yea! 8D
7. Animals; you're looking at an animal lover here.. XD
8. Anime; wahaha.. ha... ha... otaku here.. somewhat like Konata..
9. Candy ; the sour ones XD
10. Video games; The ones that give off a real challenge! 8D
1. Cockroaches; had a bad experience with them when I was young... ._.;;
2. Dirty enviroment; I'll act all paranoid in one...
3. Being discriminated; ...I wont bother to say anything about this one...
4. Arguing; But that doesn't mean I'm a pacifist kay? 8|
5. People reading my MSN conversations over my shoulder; this one's self explainatory
6. Being forced to do something I hate; Like... uhm... Going to one of those flea markets by the road e____o
7. School; WHO DOESN'T?! DX
8. Being dragged out for dinner in the middle of CG-ing a piece of art;'s true...
9. Chain mail; OR COMMENTS EVEN..The ones that say someone will die. <.< >.>
10. Being nagged; I'm a good girl... right? >:

Top ten quotes
"It wasn't me, it was the medication."
"pbbbth yeah.."
"Oro? What'd you mean by that?"
"Yello thar 8D"
"omgomgomgomgomgomg it's a miracle! TTwTT "
"Geebus! D: "
"Fo' heezy it's in tha sheezy!"

Currently questing
~ Gimpi 1st Generation
~Inari's Beads 1st Generation
~White body dye [7/500]

Oh lol. Wall of text. :/

Updated playlist dood!

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.



View All Comments

cool rooney Report | 01/17/2010 7:02 am
cool rooney
Nice profile.
yumi nakanishi Report | 08/23/2009 12:50 pm
yumi nakanishi
hey whats up, how ya been?
nice pictures did you draw it?
Daja Vou- Report | 06/16/2009 12:14 pm
Daja Vou-
Hi whee
curbwalker Report | 06/01/2009 11:59 pm
Lol, okay.
curbwalker Report | 06/01/2009 11:50 pm
Hi, noticed you're online : ) What rally room are you in?
yumi nakanishi Report | 03/01/2009 11:49 am
yumi nakanishi
it started snowing today

so I made a snowman =P
Nightmare Trista Report | 02/16/2009 2:56 pm
Nightmare Trista
yumi nakanishi Report | 02/16/2009 9:22 am
yumi nakanishi
hey,whats up?

oh yea happy birthday!
iMilkToof Report | 01/03/2009 9:21 pm
i thought i ish the one that should shaddup User Image
iMilkToof Report | 01/03/2009 9:10 pm
.-.User Image.-.


Currently questing..:
User Image
and Inari's Beads 1st Gen.

Panda Mayhem


...And the crowd goes wild. 'cha..