Who am I?

Weell... my friends call me Lena. You can call me Shaka, I suppose ;} I made up the username a long time ago - it has significance in this strange little religion my friends and I made up in fourth or fifth grade. But don't worry, I'm not still worshipping my own little made up ghosties xD I'm not religious, I suppose, but I'm not aethiest either. I'm a little spiritually confused at the moment ^^;

So, anyway, let's see... hobbies... I like drawing... ummm... I don't suppose I write much. I always start and never have the drive to finish. Mostly I just like creating, developing, and exploring characters. I love to read, but I can be picky about what I start. I have a tendancy to "judge books by their covers". Mostly I like classics and writing that people already know is great. I tend to shy away from new literature for serious reading. Lately I've been getting into Somerset Maugham. It's great. Sorry, I'm probably boring you, haha.

I practice martial arts and my dad says he's working on getting me vocal lessons because most people say I'm really talented. Ummm... Let's see... what else... I'm a girl, hah. You probably guessed. Sorry. I dress strangely in real life. I'm not scene, and I'm not emo... I think it's more like if a vaugely scene kid made love to a geeky art school kid I would be whatever popped out after nine months xD I listen to indie, classic rock, some country and folk, some pop... most hip hop makes me sick to the stomach because it's so shallow, but I listen to some rap because despite how shallow or controversial it can be, I find a lot of it to be mind-blowingly clever, and really intelligent.

So, anyway, I guess if you're wondering anything just comment, as long as it's not creeper-ly. Oh, and, my age doesn't matter. I'll let you decide what you think it is upon reading this little biography C:

iAdios, mis amigos!


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mostlyambivilant Report | 11/03/2009 6:23 pm
mostlyambivilant Report | 10/25/2009 8:41 pm
I love your bio! You didn't tell me you'd started reading the maugham stuff and that you like it. That is so effing cool. What about that historical fiction cowboy story? Have you tried that one yet? I love that you like maugham. You might like Wodehouse and Waugh as well, if you like that. are these comments public or private?