Me, of course.

Commander Oblivious's avatar

Birthday: 08/07

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Those who decide to stalk my profile are listed here. Hey, there's you!

Sampai-Chan on 01/09/2020

Bah. Boring stuff.

Posts per Day: 0.73

Total Posts: 4237

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What are you doing reading about me? Off, I say! Shoo!

Right. So.

I asume you're not going to leave, so I might as well give you something to do.
I doubt you'll figure it out, though. Bit of a challenge, it is.
First, you need to highlight this sentence. Good? Good. You've made it this far. Open up a PM to me and put 1 as the subject.
There's a box of "Lemon Chalet Cremes" in front of me.
Am I going to try them? That would be a no. Put "no" on the first line.
I'm going to Europe this summer! It's gonna be awesome, and don't you dare say otherwise. I'll see Wicked in London, then I'll go to France for a few days(The Eiffel Tower!) and on to Switzerland. From there, Lichtenstein, Austria, Italy, and Germany. I'll see Dachau, which will probably be horribly depressing. I hope I don't see any ghosts.
Find me a zombie-related icon. Put it on the same line as "no".
My favorite forum is the WF, but I rarely post there anymore. I mainly lurk, and I sometimes post in the 111.
Tell me what the 111 is below the icon. Hint: it's the largest thread in the WF.
Psychology intrigues me; I love to learn why and how people do what they do. It's very interesting.
Did you know I'm considering a major in psychology? Hit 'enter' and put your answer.
Oranges are my favorite fruit, followed by mangoes, then peaches.
What's yours? If you've answered all of these, send the PM. If you've done it as per my orders, I'll give you 1k.
-- Commander Oblivious

Lullabye For A Stormy Night

This is the bit that likes to stalk my posts.


Talk to me?

View All Comments

Bubbles5380 Report | 08/20/2010 1:59 pm
cool avi
Lord Thanades Report | 07/28/2010 2:25 pm
Lord Thanades
Hello, Commander Oblivious. I see you sometimes at the WF, and I just passed by to say you have a nice avatar. I'm not laconic enough to say just "nice avi", just in case you wonder why I didn't just leave a comment with those words.
RestlessRenegade Report | 07/08/2010 8:21 pm
biggrin Thanks. It was perfect timing.
The Kraken Report | 07/06/2010 10:33 am
The Kraken
Oh, haha, yeah I've seen him around a lot, too.

It's not a problem, I really don't mind all that much. XD
Tastes Like Diabetes Report | 07/02/2010 11:05 am
Tastes Like Diabetes

I like your new avvie, btw. It's sad that you're never on the 111 anymore though. lol
Babble Rabble Report | 06/28/2010 12:38 pm
Babble Rabble

Nice avi, yerself. ;U
DvlTriggeR47 Report | 06/27/2010 12:56 am
A gleek is a person who enjoys the TV show "Glee". It's a combination of the words "Glee" and "geek". Yepyep.
All-Seeing Lord Bloodshed Report | 06/21/2010 7:49 am
All-Seeing Lord Bloodshed
The WF will always be up in arms about something.
All-Seeing Lord Bloodshed Report | 06/20/2010 4:39 pm
All-Seeing Lord Bloodshed
Eh. Going. I haven't really been on here much so I should be asking you.
Babble Rabble Report | 06/18/2010 6:19 pm
Babble Rabble
lol, yeah right.