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kyongane Report | 05/24/2024 6:50 am
Been a decade. Stay well friend.
letyourballsdrop69 Report | 02/05/2015 8:10 am
Weirdo xp razz
Annabel the Cannibal Report | 01/13/2014 1:42 pm
Annabel the Cannibal
cool avi
User 18284455 Report | 10/11/2013 9:28 am
User 18284455
Rofl you just stay up late then XD.
User 18284455 Report | 10/11/2013 8:55 am
User 18284455
My rl one if it's that I stay up to late normally LOL they're like purplish it's wierd.
User 18284455 Report | 10/11/2013 8:10 am
User 18284455
Is your name Richy Rich? lol
User 18284455 Report | 10/11/2013 5:36 am
User 18284455
What 3 that's alot what happened to the 4th?
User 18284455 Report | 10/11/2013 4:23 am
User 18284455
You totally copied me <O< >O>, hey what's up XD?
kyongane Report | 06/02/2012 8:25 am
you better be! emotion_dowant
anyway my holiday ended.. I'm going to be busy again >.> so yeah, see you next year xD or maybe earlier if I procrastinate
kyongane Report | 05/29/2012 2:05 am
same as mine but mine's a bit better since I can play minecraft xD as long it's not the hard mode
YEAY! THANKS! emotion_hug
wait.. dont tell me you'll send a picture of an ice cream >.>