Black Heart Incubus

Black Heart Incubus's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/10


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I'm me-tastic. Lefty. Awesome. Thats all i have to say for now.

Let's think more about this one:

1. I rock
2. I love to describe myself as awesome
3. I am a master of the english language at times.
4. At other times, I make up words to get my point across. i.e., prettiestful
5. I know almost all the words to every Incubus song. Except the ones I hate.
6. I love Fantasy novels, like Forgotten Realms.
7. Twilight Sucks
8. Even though i hate twilight, i love werewolves.
9. Vampires Suck
10. I use poor grammar because i am usually too lazy to use the shift key. or the apostrophe key.
11. I am an oreo.
12. My hair is at least 6 1/2 inches long, and makes a wonderful pillow.
13. I am a "dork".
14. I draw on myself all the times, sometimes intricate, sometimes gibberish.
15. I am almost always sarcastic and a smart-a**.


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Nycy Ninja Report | 04/09/2012 6:46 am
Nycy Ninja
cool avi
biblerotica Report | 10/17/2010 10:27 am
I could send you lyrics to almost EVERY Bless The Fall song. For I can understand screaming lyrics. Therefor I can sing along.
HoNfreak101 Report | 10/02/2010 3:24 pm
lmao im sorry ... y dont u have poking wars with some friends? (and what ur ex does is just about exactly what i do. well, except the punching....but i do slap guys who poke me back (or at least try to xD )
HoNfreak101 Report | 10/02/2010 2:20 pm
EXACTLY!!! lmao i love poking people. but not when they poke me back... O.o and my friend Jess, we hav poking wars xD hahaa its so much fun. when people poke me, i either squeak or meep in a high pitched voice -______-''
Lady Hilikus Report | 10/01/2010 7:09 pm
Lady Hilikus
Well, i dont even know him. so far he's just cute.
biblerotica Report | 09/30/2010 6:16 pm
Well in my opinion suicide silence sounds like a pig getting butchered. And MSI sounds like well s**t. I only listen to MSI because the lyrics make me smile.
Lady Hilikus Report | 09/30/2010 6:12 pm
Lady Hilikus
haha nice. there is this dude in my school. he's a junior.. so i cant have him cuz im a freshman... and he's white and has dreads. 4laugh
HoNfreak101 Report | 09/30/2010 5:15 pm
yeah....but im really shy around people i like....and with dan, whenever there is awkward silences, i poke him....(i think he enjoys poking me though....all because i squeak wen im poked.... >.< (no, really, i do....and high piched squeaking too.........) >.<
Lady Hilikus Report | 09/28/2010 6:33 pm
Lady Hilikus
i like the guys in my high school. cuz there's alot!
they will grow on me and i will gradually fall in love with like... 5
Lady Hilikus Report | 09/28/2010 6:16 pm
Lady Hilikus
yeah if i was put in a room with 5 guys that i didnt know for a week.. at the end of that week I'd probably have a crush on two of them.
My standards lower themselves thats why i have crushes on some weird guys. rofl


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Kay Mentrae
Teatime Zombie
xi- Chocolate Chip -ix
Nycy Ninja
xx00Hells Daughter00xx
Mei Cupid
I Is A Dino Rawr

How do you do it? Make me feel like I do. How do you do it? It's better than I ever knew. You are stellar.

I picture your face at the back of my eyes!

Disconnect and let me drift, until my upside down is right side in. Society must let the artist free, to wander off into the nebula.

Since the initial publication of the charted electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned what they can touch, smell, see, and hear, is less than one millionth of reality.