kittKATZE's avatar

Last Login: 07/05/2023 8:00 pm

Registered: 10/02/2006

Gender: Female

Location: here

Birthday: 08/11

Occupation: bein' a stinker XD


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This art right here? Done by my BFF, Trev MG. You'll hear about her amazingness below.

My Name: IrizaBear, currently. But call me Nyet or Iriza if you'd like.
My Age: That good 21 years now!! Hell yeah! >:'D
Me: Awesome.
I'm just kidding, I'm not conceited like that at all. I do have a little bit of a temper and when that comes out so does my New York side ^_^ I was born in Manhattan and was raised mostly in Brooklyn. So, from that statement you should be able to figure that I don't take a lot of crap from people.

Especially if it has to do with my amazing friend Tasha a.k.a. PMSing FoxBoy. Pick on him and I kick your a**, got it? Good. You don't like him? Don't talk to him cuz he doesn't like you either. I <3 Tasha! ^^

And I'll also pay tribute to my other friends on here. First and foremost, Trev MG. BFFL IRL and here. [Don't believe her if she tells you otherwise, she's a liar XD] I consider her more than just my friend and closer than family and that's how it'll always be for me.

I've also made some bitchin' friends in the forums. Starting with Aijinniex and x_Bella Luna_xx. Cuddle Peas FTW! xD These two are completely awesome and I luff 'em.
Then of course there's Kuri Kawaii. OMG she's an adorable ball of random hilarity <33
Oreoocookiez: She makes me ******** LAWL SO HARD sometimes. xD And even though she just watches my abuse in the Hangout thread, I still luff her too.
Ghost of the Red Dawn is undefeatable. He can't be caged, killed, destroyed. Nothing. But he can do all of the above to anyone else, plus rape. So, to sum up Ghost, he's beast. xD
And Chibi a.k.a. Manatees FTW. Chibi is just damn cool ^w^ <3333 And she adds more wonderful nonsense to my already randomly hilarious group of friends. And she's also my first Gaia wife!!! Yaaaay! xD <3
My Friends=Win

And last but not least, I won’t not mention you guys, but I will get lazy [forgive me, mi amigos] There’s everyone else on my friends list here. They’re there for a reason, because they’re special lol In a good way and they’re my buddies. <3

Love: Legend of Zelda. Favorite of all time? Definitely OoT (if you're not a fan and don't know what the hell OoT is, it's Ocarina of Time)

I don't mind random pm's and comments, in fact, I greatly approve ^^
Just don't flame me or complain at me or be a bish cuz i don't want any of that.

I would Love to have more. You should be one <3

EATR811//Oreo//Bella//Aijin//Chibi//Anara//Hanni//Tasuki6//x-XMistress_MurderX-x//--ashley nicole_xoxo

And I do believe that's all.


zOMG Link. enough said.
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Ezio Auditore da Firenze <3 owo
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Pokemon Lovers UNITE!
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Magic is real because of this story.
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Besties 4 Lyfe Bytch
Call meh Bartz (on the left.) Trevvy is Squall :'D (on the right.)
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p***s goes in the butt



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Grieveress Report | 03/20/2012 9:03 pm
You're a queer with homosexual tendencies heart stare
Rockman12 Report | 02/18/2012 8:00 pm
Do I go on your page and talk about things you like?! Maybe I like Sonic more than I like you >.>
Kayhira Report | 12/10/2011 10:38 am
I bet you'll get one out in no time.
Kayhira Report | 12/08/2011 1:30 pm
Sooo, I definitely changed the profile again.
I think it looks MUCH better then before.
I wanted to do this one originally, but opted out last time.
Now I actually went for it, and it looks better then I thought it would.
Kayhira Report | 12/08/2011 12:07 pm

You should definitely partake in some of this s**t.
It's amazing.
I'm not too sure if I LOVE the profile.
But now that I know how to do it, I might change it up later.
It's difficult. They sure don't make it easy to put everything on here.
I had to Youtube a lot of it.
And then use some cheat code thing that some guy made a thread on here for.
Ridiculous. lol But worth it.
Kayhira Report | 12/03/2011 7:48 pm
Have I told you how much I freaking love you?
And!!! I love that I still own your page.
Especially since I can't even get onto that account right now!
Bah! I love it.

Grieveress Report | 11/23/2011 10:40 pm
cool avi
Rockman12 Report | 11/15/2011 8:02 pm
Yeah I got a pretty good thought on it. It just seems some people rather observe for the time being. If you get my drift.
Rockman12 Report | 11/15/2011 7:37 pm
Yeah, Yeah I know. Must you refer to it as torment exactly? Its not like I don't try to listen to you, I'm just hard headed all the damn time. I can hear the same conversations in my head all the time. I should be listening to you by now honestly. I just don't think it through all of the time.
Rockman12 Report | 11/15/2011 7:27 pm
Its not like I didn't think about taking it down mind you. It's not ALWAYS the opposite. Maybe I actually have a valid reason this time.


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