Shin_ai, AKA Shin

shin_ai's avatar

Registered: 06/14/2004

Gender: Female

Location: the Netherlands

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Yo. :B

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Who the hell is this Shin person?

Shhh. Slowly getting back into gaia.
Nevermind, I'm pretty much on total hiatus. If you really need to contact me, you can find me as Shinnamon on tumblr.

Please don't send me random friends requests. I only want people in my list that I actually know, and I always feel bad about rejecting people.


Johari me? <3

Concerning art
I'm only taking one commission at a time, to prevent from deadlining myself into another months-long art block. So you can try PMing me about it, but chances are I won't take you up on your offer.
I don't do waiting lists, either, because of the aforementioned art block hiatuses.
You can always contact me about doodles though, I generally don't mind making some of those.


- I have Mika's Bitter Porridge and Siren Song.
- Sandy owes me 1k

~ Yesyes?

Signature... of DOOM! *cackles*

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My DeviantArt
Freebies and commissions
Slot is: Closed

My quote alerts and PMs are glitching - if I don't respond, I'm not ignoring you, I just didn't get the message!


Talk to meh! D:

View All Comments

JoJingYangYo Report | 04/25/2012 2:43 am
Your Welcome! ^^
JoJingYangYo Report | 04/24/2012 4:29 pm
O.O Me Either
But I Luv Your Art And Your Avi
JoJingYangYo Report | 04/24/2012 4:38 am
JoJingYangYo Report | 04/24/2012 4:38 am
Eat The Meek Report | 03/24/2012 10:41 am
You're so welcome. I'm glad you enjoy it. heart
Eat The Meek Report | 03/24/2012 10:37 am
You're very welcome. heart
I hope you enjoy your Japanese, if you've yet to go out for it.
And if you have gone out for it already, I hope it was delicious!
Eat The Meek Report | 03/24/2012 9:22 am
Happy birthday, you amazingly talented girl!
Asikun Report | 03/24/2012 2:54 am
Happy Birthday Boo!
[ 0_o ] Report | 03/23/2012 3:05 pm
Holy crap, just saw how much Feb 2012 letters sold for....
Inflation much?

The market place is such a dangerous place now. o.o
[ 0_o ] Report | 03/22/2012 5:53 pm
A bit, it's a waste of the Gaia cash I had accruing on my account though, spent 800, which I guestimate is like 2 monthly collectibles and a really cheap CI or something, in like 2 seconds.
Gonna try and get 3 of each letter of each month for this year, I kinda failed last year because I didn't log in for like 4 months. D;
I wish I had a reminder.
I figure, one day, I will just have a sale of all these items, and finally have enough for those old '05 items I always wanted.
Bonus note: I haven't changed my avatar in 667 days. biggrin
Tenacious Travis
Kishin Desolo
Contrary - Agreement
[ RenRen ]