
ZaiaFantasy's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2024 10:00 am

Registered: 06/12/2007

Gender: Female

Location: The Middle Of Hell

Birthday: 04/08


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EchosSweet on 08/10/2020

I reject your reality and replace it with my own.

[img:8124bcb821] Art/Shalott_zpsdac846f9.jpg[/img:8124bcb821]
The past follows to the present...
I'll always be with you[/size:8124bcb821][/color:8124bcb821][/align:8124bcb821]


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I am not much of a partier in the drinking/smoking/drugs aspect. I love movies, especially anything by Tim Burton. I'm not exactly what you'd call Christian, though I do believe in God. Maybe it's just that I don't agree with any organized Christian churches. I'm not into sports but I do love to dance and sing. I'm opinionated, outgoing, and perfectly willing to try new things. I will try ANYTHING once and have thus far made my way through quite a lot of firsts.

I'm a poet, an artistic soul that strives for beauty over anything else. It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful and it doesn't have to be conventional to be perfect. I like all forms of art and music.I love music! It is my life, the air that I breathe and the soul that I treasure!

I went to and graduated from culinary school. I love to experiment in the kitchen, I love to cook for small crowds. Pretty much, I just love to cook. My specialties include potato-leek soup, stuffed portabello caps, stuffed bell peppers, and cheesecake.

Also, I'm probably a huge nerd in the worst way! I enjoy roleplaying (Not only in video games but table top, LARP, and online too) I am completely at home in a library. I can rattle of pointless facts about nothing. I can beat more people than not at Simpson's Jeopardy.


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Linope Report | 10/16/2015 2:56 pm
Thanks for buying~!
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine Report | 01/21/2015 6:29 pm
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine
I've always loved our role-play, and it's been one of my favorites for quite some time... I just worry about my writing at the moment. Frankly, it never feels like it's any good. I thank you very much for your compliments, of course, but even that intro I wrote feels rather flat to me.

I can't tell if it's because it's actually bad or because it doesn't make me feel anything (due to either depression or depression meds) and, so, I feel like it's bad. It's difficult to say. XP

I'm glad that things are going fairly well for you! 8D In ways, they're going better here. I still don't have a job, but am looking for one. Going to a job fair tomorrow. And I have a new and much better laboratory instructor for Anatomy and Physiology, which is very good.
Unknown Variable Report | 01/21/2015 11:59 am
Unknown Variable
Beautiful beautiful avatar 3nodding
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine Report | 01/21/2015 7:34 am
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine
Thanks very much! I'm just trying to get some of my own back, creativity-wise, by writing with one of my best friends.

I don't mean to be at all insulting to our role-play by writing it first-- I want to write back in ours as well, certainly-- but I've just not liked my writing much at all for the past few months, and hope that, by working with my friend, the creative spark may come back a little. I'll see.

How have you been lately? =3
Desert Behr Report | 12/19/2014 8:29 pm
Desert Behr
I don't even know where to start back up.
On a side note, you should send me your number.
Desert Behr Report | 12/19/2014 8:16 pm
Desert Behr
It's likely been well over a year for me now. Every once in a while I get the feeling that I want to RP again but I don't ever get to the point of actually trying.
Desert Behr Report | 12/19/2014 8:04 pm
Desert Behr
I guess I could say the same. The downs lasts a lot longer than the ups. Holding it together though.
Good to talk to you again, suddenly got the idea in my head to log in and see if anyone was still here.
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine Report | 12/19/2014 8:03 pm
Fluxit Aqua et Sanguine
Thanks very much! Yours are always the loveliest I see online, though. =3 I'm thinking that the medication I'm using may be working. It's always hard to say, though.

I'm sorry if I've forced our RP into disinterest since I haven't replied in so long. Hopefully I can make up for it to some degree when I next reply.
Desert Behr Report | 12/19/2014 8:00 pm
Desert Behr
I may have lost your number, I ended up losing touch with everyone at some point.
I've had my ups and downs. How about you?
Desert Behr Report | 12/19/2014 7:54 pm
Desert Behr
Oh hi there.