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my heart is saying one thing...
but my body won't
let go"


Emaniah's avatar

Last Login: 09/09/2011 3:52 pm

Registered: 07/12/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/08

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Linger in the moment to relish what will be lost. Time will flow and once it has passed the inches and measurements we take will fade. Change. Alteration. Evolution. Adaption. No matter your name for it can one truly encompass anything of themselves with just words? There are looks, tones, smells, sights, hues, sensations all wrapped up in this experience. Digital portrayals that fall so short of their true purpose. Truth in itself is only known to yourself because perception alters all. Perceive me and you shall have known me. In pixelated and chromatic glory I stand before you - no less no more. Allow me to exist, because I can only exist when you believe in me. So linger.


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Collected Oddities of Ema

Ema is in and of herself a very interesting person -that is if you like geeks-. Oddly enough, she has to portray herself on Gaia with the intention to deck herself out in the wildest forms and portrayals that she could otherwise NOT do because of her


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L element Report | 09/09/2011 5:32 pm
Wow... Congratulations! ^^
And I'll be sure to let you know~
L element Report | 09/07/2011 5:15 pm
You've been a cool avi?? AWESOME! ><
L element Report | 09/07/2011 2:26 pm
Ah, I'm glad you're okay. ^^
Well, I've been more betterer recently than in the past four months, when I didn't have internets. ><;
And I've got a job now, so that's good. Planning on joining the army once that's done in January. I've only been trying for two years now. Lol. But things keep getting in my way. I got a job to pay my debts. And before that, I screwed up my application so bad, they couldn't actually hire me. But I got it all figured out now. ^^
How about you?
L element Report | 09/07/2011 1:50 pm
-Point- o.o

What happened? Are you okay?
L element Report | 01/25/2011 1:25 pm
Tum-thalas Report | 01/06/2008 10:10 pm
Tum-thalas Report | 12/14/2007 7:54 pm
Lucy Pevensie, formerly of Finchley!!! Where are you?! I'm waiting!
Tum-thalas Report | 09/06/2007 8:44 pm
Tum-thalas Report | 09/04/2007 9:43 pm
where are you...i've been looking....
Tum-thalas Report | 09/02/2007 11:59 am
Now that Lu has apparently "died", Tum will begin constructing a memorial statue. It will be made of...cherry pull and peel twizzlers. And maybe some cheese. There will be an inscription that reads something like "We will never know what happened to dear Lu, as she never reappeared upon Gaia..."