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  • Arenas
  • Rin Kagamine
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Rin Kagamine
  • Artist: Starlight spellsinger
  • Description: for this cosplay I wanted to be as accurate as possible and tekteked this avatar myself. I used green eyes insted of blue because I see that her eyes are green a lot more than blue gaia doesn't have a greenish blue color for eyes so i had to pick one or the other. I did this all on my own and am not copying anybody I added some personal touches and accessories
    I don't really like attention because I feel as if it is very noobish no offence I'm only doing this because I enjoy cosplaying.
  • Date: 02/15/2009
  • Tags: kagamine vocaloid cosplay
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • APH Cosplayer - 09/05/2009
  • Rin doesnt wear a skirt.
    She wears shorts.
    And there are shorts you can use for her.
    Plus the gloves are off with the momentum of the feet, which are supposed to be the same.
    I love rin too<3
    So I hope you do good.
  • Shakugan no Shana-tan - 03/16/2009
  • Rin-chan. Shana-chan is here. If this was up for voting, I would vote 6/5 but I can't so all the best I can do is 5/5! Because you are just that good! I believe you 100%! You had this cosplay on your avi way longer before even submitting to arenas. Rin-chan, you are the most beautiful and unique Rin in GAIA. Shana-chan will stand by you no matter what! Anyone who messes with Rin-chan, you are messing with me, Shana! I will smolder you with my Nietono no Shana!
  • Starlight spellsinger - 03/02/2009
  • well, the star i just put on as a personal touch...
    the ball is to symbol an orange which is Rin's favorite
    in a lot of images i see her eyes look more green
    and Rin's sleaves are shorter Miku's are more long
    i really don't care how people rate my avatar because this is just for fun not winning
  • Haruko Mitsuko - 03/01/2009
  • The headband seems a little off, you might wanna drop the star mood bubble, get slightly longer sleeves (Try Ribbon Luv ^^), find a shorter top, and her eyes are blue. Overall, good job, 3/5 ^^ (If it was possible, I'd give a 3.5/5...
  • Seraph of Nephilim - 03/01/2009
  • where did the star and music mood bubble come in? the sound would've been enough. What's with the ball? I love Rin, but this isn't very accurate.
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