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  • Arenas
  • #200 Misdreavus
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: #200 Misdreavus
  • Artist: Jenny Sniper
  • Description: Pokemon versions HeartGold and SoulSilver, remakes of the original Pokemon Gold and Silver games, are going to be released in Japan on September 12th, 2009. To celebrate, I decided to cosplay as Misdreavus.

    Pokedex Entries:

    Gold: It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.

    Silver: It loves to bite and yank people's hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions.
  • Date: 08/31/2009
  • Tags: misdreavus pokemon heartgold soulsilver ghost
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  • Reference Image:
Comments (7 Comments)
  • Jenny Sniper - 09/11/2009
  • Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
    @Flash: I thought about changing the eye color because of the reference, but I didn't because it's eyes are yellow in most other images.
    @Rima: It actually is more of a green color most of the time. It's sprite was purple in G/S versions though, so I just went with that. Plus Mismagius is purple. Dx
  • Stride of Pride - 09/10/2009
  • As far as you can do with this, there could be ome mprovement. But as for thecoplay, this is very good. She's nice and elegant and pretty. I like it. 5/5
  • Pslightly Psycho - 09/09/2009
  • Pretty good, though the eyes should be a different colour (judging by the reference picture) and there is a slightly more fitting necklace. I can't remember the name, sorry!
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