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  • Arenas
  • Lenalee Lee, Exorcist.
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  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Lenalee Lee, Exorcist.
  • Artist: Siege Machine
  • Description: Lenalee Lee, an exorcist with the black order, uses her boot-shaped innocence to fight Akuma.
    This is the third iteration of the exorcists' uniforms.

    Lenalee is from the series D.Gray-Man by Hoshino Katsura.
  • Date: 02/13/2012
  • Tags: lenalee exorcist
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Siege Machine - 02/21/2012
  • I felt the hair was the best option based on the length shape and colour. The stockings, while less simple, were the only ones I found to be the right length. The shoes I came across that had ankle straps were either a different shape, or shade of red which I felt was more detrimental.
    The lack of Rose cross is a huge mistake on my part, but I overlooked it completely. [/swt]

    Trying to emulate a uniform is difficult, so thank you for your feedback.
  • Xi-BlackRoseBaron-iX - 02/21/2012
  • Try a different hairstyle, it just looks like you used Moira's hair with Saint Ciel combined. The stockings should be regular white ones, and I think they do have red heels with the above ankle straps. Also, a white/silver brooch would have been better than red, considering it's where the Rose Cross is supposed to be.

  • Siege Machine - 02/20/2012
  • Yeah the author changes around the colours she uses a lot. I would have used a ref from the anime, but Hoshino no longer colours Lenalee's hair with a green tint, and that's what the Anime uses.

    Yeah. ;A;
    I tried a lot of skirt/top combinations and this is the best I came up with for the time being.
  • Vessel of Eve - 02/20/2012
  • You need to figger out a skirt you could use because to much of the bloomers are showing 5/5 good luck I wish the anime would go to the point that you see this outfit in it T-T
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