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  • Arenas
  • Titanic Passenger
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Titanic Passenger
  • Artist: bellawolfe
  • Description: She booked third class passage on the Titanic's maiden voyage to America, her whole life ahead of her as she watched the coastline slip away. She never made it to America.
  • Date: 02/26/2010
  • Tags: titanic passenger
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • i-SweeT-DemisE-i - 03/05/2010
  • Quite lovely. And your description about why she has such expensive looking clothes for a third classman cleared my thoughts up. Bravo~ 5/5
  • bellawolfe - 03/04/2010
  • @Azusasan ~I thought that too, but then decided she spent all she had to be in high fashion to nab a job in NY. ~LOL~ smile Thanks for the feedback!
  • Azusasan - 03/04/2010
  • I sort of doubt someone in third class would have been dressed like that... She looks more like a first class lady. wink And a disproportionate number of first class passengers made it out of the Titanic alive, as opposed to the third class. /nerd
    Lovely avatar, though! The headpiece, hair, and coat... I dig it.
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