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    My MSN: raburns05@yahoo.com<br />
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    [I have had that email since I was likee.. ._. 9 D<]<br />
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    Fear Teh Flareon D< <br />
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    [Yep.. Its Me... </3]<br />
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    Well.. o-o My name is Freya; but you have the permission to call me whatever you like. ^-^ I do not usually tell my age.. Unless your just that lucky to know.. ;D <br />
    I LOVE to draw, sing, go on the computer, text, talk on the phonee.. I've been considered an 'Emo-Vampire-Kitteh' atleast 100000 times before.. o.O But.. as much as I hate being called 'Emo' I would much rather be called that than be some Hollister Zombi Prep =DD <3 <br />
    I have 8 cats, 3 dogs, and 2 hamsters. I luff all my pets veryy veryy much even if their annoying as hell 99.9% of the time. :3 <br />
    I also consider myself a very lucky person to know all the people I do. ^-^ Although, my parents might be the choice few I would like to forget about compleatly.. ;D <br />
    I curse alot.. RL and online, I just don't let any parents hear it ;D Wonderful right? And hell no I don't curse around the little kids I babysit.. xD <br />
    I REALLY hate Newbs, Hackers, Scammers, My Parents, Homework, School, People that pick on mee ;D, and shots.. =DD And hunting.. war.. blood-shed-like things =DD Video games don't count D< <br />
    I LOVEEEE DDR, Kirby Air Ride, Sing Star, All that jazz ;D &&! Mr Foxehhh :3 The sweetest most awesomest person ever... <3 <br />
    I can go on and on about random subjects, and I HATE when people spell reallyy reallyyy badly D< and use reallyy reallyyy bad grammer.. =| Ofcourse not all of my grammer and spelling can be perfect, but not really anyones can.. ._. But.. Just the n00bs that talk like "hey ppl was up u lke wan 2 go do dis?" Yeahh that pisses me off.. D< And I WILLLL get onto yew for that newb D< So watchh outt.. >_> <br />
    And I type reallyyy fast [Random factt] and I get reallyy bad hand cramps because of it =3 I also write really fast almost where you can't read it, then I can write neatly ^-^ and I can draw pretty quick.. all depending on what the drawin is though.. o-o <br />
    I'm a Hot Topic, Skelanimals, finaticccc =DDD And I LUFFFFF avi arttt.. <3 So. . Draw mee pweaseee? 83 <br />
    I am also doing avi art for people.. NO cluttered avis... and what not.. ._. I can't garantee they will come out good.. I haven't been drawing much lately so I've kinda lost my drawing touch.. D; -tear- <br />
    NAO ;D Thats enough random shit saidd.. ^-^ I might add more stuff later ;3 <br />
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