- NamekWoman's Gallery
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Sed vulputate justo eget leo euismod blandit. Pellentesque rhoncus diam eget sem consequat ut pulvinar nisi iaculis. Nulla at dui risus. Fusce a lorem vel eros mollis interdum ac ut magna. Sed rhoncus sodales ligula a ornare. Etiam sit amet ante id lectus fringilla molestie in sed felis. Maecenas porta tortor vel orci volutpat eget sodales arcu posuere. Pellentesque non dolor urna, a fringilla tellus. Praesent purus velit, posuere a sodales quis, rhoncus ac est. Ut nulla est, semper eget blandit vel, molestie a tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus ultrices libero in sem congue et aliquam eros vehicula. Ut non mauris ipsum. Sed blandit iaculis neque, ut aliquet ante adipiscing in. Integer sed nisi in velit scelerisque volutpat ac vitae risus. Donec eget orci at massa auctor pellentesque ut cursus magna. Donec luctus justo id dolor pulvinar vitae posuere justo sodales. Nullam fringilla sapien eget est tristique et ultricies ligula sagittis. Integer id nisl at ligula porttitor convallis. Aenean est est, ultricies sed rhoncus in, consectetur quis elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <br />
<br />
- Avg. rating:
- 18 Fans
it's a
poem i wrote in
the begfinning
of 8th
re towards the
beginning than
the end an - If I Fell For...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 8 recent comments
I know
there's no
rhyme here,but
always have to
rhyme. Comment,
rate,etc. Check
out - Then what?
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
it's just
about the tears
we all hide at
one time or
another - coverup
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
another poem i
wrote about a
friensd who was
going through a
lot this year
and it was hard
to deal w - JJ
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
A poem I wrote
about 15
minutes before
I posted
about a guy who
was an arrogant
cocky b***** - ~Can't L...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
It's a
poem I wrote
and decided to
post...I was
kinda depressed
when I wrote it
as you can
probably - ~Let Me Die T...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Comments (1 Comments)
- jess inc o g n i t o - 12/15/2008
I wouldn't be so proud if I spelled AM wrong lol
it's good art and obviously improved - Report As Spam