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  • Artist Info: Hello there! I am Shauna, though you may call me Fair. I've been on Gaia a few years now, longer than I've had this account. Gaia has become a haven of sorts, it's where some of the most amazing people are. They all put me in good spirits. =)<br />
    I am the oldest of five children, so I don't have the middle child syndrome or the spoiled attributes of an only child. I love friends, so don't be afraid to shoot me a PM and have a conversation! <br />
    I am aspiring to become a published author. I currently have two projects, both not near completion, but one is halfway through. So I figure buckling down and actually getting it all out, I'll be done in no time! <br />
    See that dashing avatar beside mine? Yes, him. That's my boyfriend. The most amazing man I have ever known. He's so different, so purely good. There isn't a thing about him I would change. All his quirks and habits, I love them all. I want to spend the rest of my life by his side. Life is wonderful with him in it. <3<br />
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