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- Artist Info: Hey guys, welcome to my profile! I was reading through my about me and two things occurred to me. A. I have grown up a lot since the last time I updated my information B. I am annoying myself just by reading all of that. So I decided that it was time for a change. Anyway, yeah I'm with love-chastity and Gaia is in fact one of my favorite places to hang out. I love talking and making new friends, and I am always happiest when I am around friends. My favorite things include pizza, cheesecake, Cher, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I love 80s music and playing guitar (don't be too impressed, I can play melodies but I stink at chords xd ). I am in an ongoing quest to be fabulously wealthy, that way I can always wear pretty things. So if you find my avatar to be rather ostentatious, thank you very much mission accomplished then. smile
- Avg. rating:
- Extraordinary...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
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