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Hello~ random people and other creatures! Welcome to the fabulous world of-<br />
Okay, okay...I'll TRY to be "normal" about this. -.- The name's Jo. Yes, I know, it sounds like a guy's name, but just deal with it so I can move on. So where was I? Oh, yeah...introducing myself. You can call me Jo, but if you want to go into nicknames, then you can choose from Luna, Naiya-chan(which means diamond), the Cherry Blossom or Inferno. I swear, if anyone calls me Jojo, I will follow them home, drag them to a dark alley...and you DO NOT wanna know what comes next. >.> ^^ Where am I from, you ask? If I don't know you that well, I'll say something absurd, like Konoha, your trash can or the almighty Land of Peanut Butter. But if I DO know you well enough, or if you're smart enough to figure this out on your own, you'll know my home resides in the "Status in I-land". Not smart enough? Well, maybe you should've eaten that raw tuna your mom said would make you smarter. -w-<br />
Wanna know what makes me NOT die of eternal boredom? Well, I usually spend at least four hours of my day on Gaia. Doing what? For all you fellow anime freaks out there, I absolutely LOVE to RP. And for those of you in the audience who have no freakin' clue what this babble coming out of my mouth is, I roleplay. R-O-L-E-P-L-A-Y. Got it memorized? When I'm not on Gaia (which IS a rarity), I spend my time drawing. Wanna see my drawings? Just click on my personal website link. I also listen to some awesome music. Please, do NOT ask me if I like rap. Because if you do, and you're the BIGGEST rap fan out there, I shall warn you now...I will make you cry. Don't try me. Just save yourself from despair. I'm a random person, but you haven't seen random until you've met my friends. I'm an anime freak, if you haven't noticed yet, or if you drank the wrong sake five seconds ago. I'm a VERY impatient person...so if you're RPing with me and I don't receive a response within 20 minutes and you're online, I'm resending it! >D In general, I'm a really nice person, but there are times when I'm easily pissed off. Once again, a rarity.<br />
Some of the things that make my eyes sparkle and go "Omigoshness":<br />
-the man who is my angel, named D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ P _ _ _ _<br />
-my best friends, whom I call my siblings or biffles<br />
-video games<br />
-basically ANYTHING with sugar-surprisingly, I'm nowhere NEAR fat xD<br />
-shiny things, particularly silver<br />
-peanut butter- it's my "feel better" food<br />
-drawing, which I'm improving in by the second<br />
-soccer, my favorite sport<br />
...And some of the things that can easily make me go on a ranting rampage:<br />
-people who say "orange" with the long, lower-sounding "O" sound -.-<br />
-vegetables- Yes, I HATE vegetables. They can all burn in hell!<br />
-people who make sexist jokes- It's just annoying<br />
-people who throw strange objects in my EXTREMELY curly hair, like that rubber rat last year... <br />
-people who bug my friends- It's just not right...<br />
-exercising- I'm not the strongest person around<br />
-people who don't know when enough is ENOUGH<br />
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One last thing before I kick you off a cliff so you can learn to fly yourself...umm...uh...Crap, I forgot. Oh well, get ready to fly!!! ^^<br />
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Girl: Slow down, i'm scared.<br />
Guy: No, this is fun.<br />
Girl: No it's not, please, it's so scary.<br />
Guy: Then tell me you love me.<br />
Girl: I love you, slow down.<br />
Guy: Now give me a big hug<br />
*She gave him a big hug*<br />
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me.<br />
<br />
The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile <br />
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~~~~~~~~~~<br />
I'm a Knight in The Dark Ages ^^<br /> - Avg. rating:
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