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  • Artist Info: This account was given by a friend. That is why the name is like that. I will change it as soon as possible.<br />
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    WANDERLUST is a disease that that courses and poisons my mind every day as everything change around me but yet I am stuck forever the same in the same spot. It kills me. (No, it is really not a disease. Go on GOOGLE.)<br />
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    JZMAE. Find me.<br />
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    No on really knows me. Find the real me. All I aspire to be is someone that I feel like is really me, not the broken or lost and confused girl. Happiness is nothing but a figment of imagination that confuses and distracts us from reality and what is really there. <br />
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    All I want to do in life is travel, read marvelous books, drink tea&juice, look at the stars at night, and just be happy. I want to be away and gone from the net society has on the world. I want to truly be myself without being judged. <br />
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    trav·es·ty/ˈtravistē/<br />
    Noun: <br />
    A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.<br />
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    I may pass of as a happy person but this tells you otherwise. Do not judge me COMPLETELY on what you read here. You do not know everything.<br />
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    For all we know, all this that I wrote was just a hoax. <br />
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    Or is it?<br />
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