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- Artist Info: If you ever lost someone special in your life and you think it's your fault, don't blame yourself. I've lost my grandma before my birthday 2 years ago on June 9. I felt guilty. She died from Lung Cancer. I felt guilty 'cause i saw her only a couple of times.... I never said goodbye before she died. If I could just go back to the past and spend my time with her it'll probably fix everything. A year later I realized something. I realized it wasn't my fault, I shouldn't blame myself for her death. May she rest in peace. cry
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- 2 Fans
OK so this I
just found
yesterday in an
old notebook of
mine, it's
interesting so
I thought I
would - Where Have Yo...
- Fiction
- 1 recent comments
Another older
piece I wrote
when I was
still running
track. - Not What It S...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
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