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well, whether you know me or not, you'll learn a few things about me reading this smile .<br />
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Ik ben Joseph, I'm 19 years old, I'm 1,75 meters tall, people say I have dark brown eyes but im not so sure about it XD <br />
People say I'm cynical, and yes I am. I'm very serious most of the times, and I look like I'm mad most of the imtes :p but I'm not, so if we webcam chat, don't think I am. Yes, I always have my arms crossed.<br />
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People say I have killing eyes, like, they can't stare at them too much, because it makes them feel uncomfortablem like if my eyes are going right through theirs and I try to read their minds and see right through their soul or something like that. :p I yet don't know why, and soy orgullosamente de Ecuador.<br />
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Ive learned a lot of things and one of those is that if I got the chance to take something back, something bad that I've done or been through in the past, I wouldn't, because all what I've been through is what has formed me as a person and I wouldn't change it.<br />
I don't like it when poeple lie :/, so I never lie, I've never had, maybe a couple of times before (I would be lying if I say I havent lied, but it wasn't bad and it's like, little lies that harm nobody, plus I was little) So, I wouldn't lie to the ones I love smile <br />
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So, yeah I live in Ecuador, born here, raised here, (in different cities from Coast region to mountain Region), and I'm not meant to die here, one of the dreams I've had ever since I was little, is to live in Europe, somewhere in the northern Europe. Somewhere like Holland ;p, I was going to move to Sweden when I was little, but now I can't. <br />
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One of my goals is to learn as many foreign languages as possible, the top ones on my list are Dutch, German, French. When I was younger, I once heard a personn to talk in what I think was German, so I wanted to know more about those languages that use that "rr" :p, as I grew older, I heard about Dutch and some others, then I got more interested in Dutch that german. I'm actually learning a bit of Dutch (dankejewel Dregons!) people say Dutch is really hard to learn, but I honestly believe it only takes a lot of time and a LOT more of determination (that's my point of view since I have some ability to learn super fast, not that I'm showing off).<br />
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I'm very patient, so feel free to ask absolutely anything.<br />
am I religious? Yes, I am. I'm a, what people calls us, Mormon. a member of the Church of Jesus Crist of Latter-Day Saints. The religion I admire the most, (excluding mine) is the Evangelist, I have some evangelists friends.<br />
If you wanna learn some Spanish please feel free to ask about anything regarding to Spanish language.<br />
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Oh yeah, almost forgot, what I'm going to say it s abit personal, but I don't know, I mean, I don't hide things from people, I believe that in order to make strong bonds with someone you gotta tell them, almost everything, not hidding anything, thats what builds good relationships smile and friendships.<br />
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I have some heart disease :/ it's a prolapse, and I hate it, its horrible XD I get horrible attacks sometimes, awful lung attacks is like needles going through your lungs. Ive had so far. 4 very serious attacks, one worse than the last one. Yes, I've been in the hospital because of it. There is no treatment or cure, but it's something I can live it, I have to.<br />
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Thanks for taking some minutes of your time to read all that! I appriciate it.<br />
Bye! tot ziens! Nos vemos! Adieu!. - Avg. rating:
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