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(a poem i wrote)<br />
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Broken and torn, they said he would never fly again. His sorrows over flowing his mind. His very aura about him would bring one to tears. Once a man of glory now a boy of shame. His wings were missing feathers and are black as back can get. Once whiter then the pure white snow that fell from the winter sky. His soul has been tainted with the horrid emotions of the mortals. He is not one of them any more. One of the Guardian Angels that watch over us at night battling the demons in a never ending tug of war over your ugly souls tainted by the works of greed and lust. He had fallen for the pedy emotion of Love. He had fallen for the one he watched over. He had traded his eternal Grace and purity for a life ever so dual. For his halo has cracked and lost its shine…now he is a sinner just like you and I <br />
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