- Scary Kidz's Gallery
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Artist Info:
I like the simple things in life, and I don't need money or materialistic things to make me happy. My mind is cluttered with all my thoughts and wonders. I'm a human, always caught in a middle of a sin. I look back with no remorse, because I believe: every single thing, happens for a reason. My first impressions usually suck, and I'll more than likely be shy the first time. But when the time passes, I'll warm up to you.∆ i sing to pass the time . i’m aware of all my flaws , so you don’t need to tell me . i have learned not to care anymore about what people think about me . you don’t know me , so stop acting like you do & stop talking about me like you do . i’ve been through a lot in my life so far , & i know there’s always another storm coming . but i thank the people that are always there for me no matter what . without you , i’d be living off scraps & sleeping in the streets . i’ve got guts , but i still have my phobias . i don’t believe in using physical , violent actions to make a point . my surroundings make who i am . people rub off on me . i change all the time , but i really don’t . people may adapt , but their true instincts will always stay the same . if you see me in real life , don’t be afraid to say hi . i’m the nicest person ever , understanding & easily taken advantage of but i can be a bitch without even caring . & i may never be who you say i am , but nobody knows who anyone is , not even themselves . keep in touch .∆<br />
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