• Freya Stormborn's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    [Slaughter] <br />
    My Art Shop...
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    20[Guilty Pleasures]<br />
    My Fantasy RP Guild...
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    A Literate Fantasy Role Playing Guild Loosely Based Off The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Book Series. The guild is massive in size, containing many buildings stretching over many acres. The inhabitants of the guild vary in race and species. The guild is shut off from the outside world, it is a haven for all things. Time is set in present day, but there aren't any electronic devices within the walls on the guild. The guild supplies itself with all the basic needs along with luxuries food, water, heat, housing, etc.<br />
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    It's FREE to join! We welcome all requests!
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    [Laughter] <br />
    My Quest Thread...
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    My quest thread is a quest for a ton of items and art all in one! I always have a million quests going on, and this is a great way to keep track of them all and hopefully get some help! Please go take a look, chat, bump, donate, any little bit helps. Even if you don't donate, please chat and bump, that really does help!<br />
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    20[LNDL's Mini Charity]<br />
    My Junk Charity...
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    This is the mini charity I created to get rid of all the junk I have collected over the years. All I ask is that you give me twenty bumps and I will send you a trade full of random items. Quest items, junk items, event items, etc. Every little bump is appreciated.
  • Avg. rating:
  • 4 Fans