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  • Artist Info: Still in college, still learning. Busy, busy, busy. (August, 2010)<br />
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    New update for the end of the year. I'm offically enrolled in college. Starting in the spring. I both can't wait for classes to start, and dread it. I mean, it's going to be fun... but everything is so expensive! xP And it's been a while since I was in school. (Okay, not a long while, but longer than normal) So I'm a bit worried about how I'm going to do. *sigh* What's a girl to do? Well, wish me luck.<br />
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    Geez, haven't updated in a whole year! sweatdrop Sorry about that. So, anyways. I graduated earlier this year (200 cool . It was fun, I guess. I had a long year, physics was much harder than chemistry. I think I have brain damage from hitting my head against figuritive walls... xD <br />
    But seriously, it was a great last year. I went to Italy over this summer, it was a TON of fun. I was there for a little over two weeks. It was an eye opener, going to a different place. I just can't believe how amazing it was. Maybe I'll put up pictures some day. *shrugs* I also learned that I don't fly well. Nice thing to learn when you're up in the air for a fourteen hours both ways...<br />
    I've also gotten a couple jobs, quit the first one because it didn't pay well. But the second one I've gotten is loads of fun! The people are fun and it's a great place. Just wish I wasn't on my feet for hours at a time.. *sigh* Life isn't perfect.<br />
    Oh, I also FINALLY got an iPod for my eighteen b-day, it was August 12. ^^ So, that's exciting. My cat is still adorable and I still dote over her all the time. <br />
    But yeah, that's a quick overview of what's been going on since I last updated here! <br />
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    More little update. Ashley is two years old (about that anyways). The Leopard Geckoes have gotten... fat. No other words for them. They are really cute though, can't deny that. So, finals and Chemistry Quals have started at my high school. Starting to panic; as is normal for me. It doesn't help that my parents and relatives are all SO excited that I'm becoming a Senior next year. You'd think I was there only source of entertainment. Anyways, more later.<br />
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    New update! My family adopted a kitty cat!! Her name is Ashley and she's a year old. She's a black tabby, but she's really brown with black stripes. Ashley loves being here with us and was a stray before we adopted her!!<br />
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    Well, on the subject of my Latin Exam, I got thrity-three out of forty right and won a certificate and a silver medal!! =^^= Sooooooooooooo HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!! Unbelievably so.<br />
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    Okay!! ^^ Wednsday the fifteen of the March I'm going to take a Latin exam. The sad thing is, I had to pay for it. Who pays to take a test?!! I do!! ^^ Anyways, I just wanted to say something new...<br />
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    OH!! Update!! ^^<br />
    I now own two cute baby leopard geckos!! <3 Sooooo cute!! Yeah, the smaller one is named Little Y because he has a white Y on his forehead, while the larger one is called Fade because his white mark is fading! Once again, cute!! I just can't get over their cuteness!! I'll put pictures up as soon as I get them!<br />
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    Hmmmm....I have nothing to say here....I guess....*crickets* Yeah... sweatdrop <br />
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    Find your Celestial Choir<br />
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    What type of Fae are you?<br />
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