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First off if you wanna add me feel free smile <br />
i love meeting new people. <br />
*now back to my story razz *<br />
<br />
Hi I'm Brock*ninja reject* I'm 16 about 6' give or take a few inches.<br />
My birthday is October, 20th.*my account says 19th but its the 20th smile *<br />
I don't have a lady friend (yet) wink .<br />
Um I'm in high school coming up on my 2nd year ^.^.<br />
I like to talk to just about anybody. biggrin <br />
My favorite color is blue, and least favorite is erm..that poopy green.<br />
I plan on going to college some day to be some kind of a programmer.<br />
Probably not as soon as I get out of high school though.<br />
Most likely a year or to after but no later than that, because if i don't go by then then i never will!<br />
I like almost all animals.<br />
yes! even cats though I'm allergic to them.<br />
<br />
I just copied that from my MySpace. <br />
biggrin <br />
<br />
what i didn't copy was<br />
i play a lot of video games, so if you don't know what to say to me there ya go. smile <br />
i played kingdom hearts1,2 and chain of memory's. I beat both sora's and riku's on that.<br />
Umm, final fantasy! I've played 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10 -2 and I've played part of 12, <br />
but didn't like it. My cousin plays 11 and it looks cool.*he's like the max lvl dragoon* ^.^<br />
I also played a couple other final fantasy's like tactics. <br />
Umm i like almost any square enix/soft mostly all i play. Also call of duty 4 and stuff like that. smile - Avg. rating:
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