• Ultimus Heaven and Earth's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Since I'm quite a lazy person and don't know what a BBCode is...well I am pretty old >.>, and my only interest is Monster Hunter and drawing art (seriously) I'll probably not bother fixing anything in this profile page. I have a DA account but I'll not reveal that because it contains a lot of things inappropriate for ages below 18 ^^y<br />
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    I respect your virgin minds, praise me for that /jk<br />
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    anyway, didn't know there was a 2 pics limit to presenting art...I guess this will take a while<br />
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    and I <3 sketches, they are as pure as snow yet as detailed and intricate with the emotion of the strokes and the ideals revealed so aesthetically and profound thus I mostly post sketches, doodles, and scraps...lame excuse for the lack of skill, seriously though, I really love sketches. ^^y<br />
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    ...<br />
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    I wonder why people think that I didn't make some of the works I posted here ^^" also because they don't supply any information as to why they think I didn't make some of the stuff. <br />
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    I do admit that I have no specific style going on with my works may contribute to the fact that they look different.<br />
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