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Artist Info:
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hai durr[: my name is Ariana! :3<br />
1997, 5th October is my birthday, mind bringin' a box of chocolates?[: Please, get to know me before you judge, because I can guarantee you're not perfect either, and I know there's more of me you need to know. I'm kind hearted & down to earth hunny(: I'm probably the weirdest girl you'll ever know. I don't know the difference between nerd and geek. But I'm one of the 2. I try to tell people to put me in a nursing home but they just laugh. Im Pansexual & Atheist. I've come to realize that I've let people take advantage of me for so long, it's starting to hurt; but no more. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but I'm not dumb. My feelings are hurt easily, and jealousy likes to visit my life a lot. The Reason I'm not 300LBS, is not because I don't eat a lot. It's because I climb trees, buildings, and run. aka....Parkour. My favorite animals are cats in general, and pandas! I was nerdy enough to learn how to spin swords like a pro. Swords kick guns ass. A endlessly open-minded person. My life isn't the best but my friends are the world.<br />
Be added to the list;p<br />
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Want to know more? Message or Comment Me[:<br />
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things that make life worth living ;<br />
falling in love . first snow day . hearing your favorite song on the radio . laying in bed listening to the rain outside . milkshakes . bubble baths . giggling . long conversations late at night . the beach . running around . laughing at an inside joke . laughing at yourself . laughing so hard your stomach hurts . laughing for absolutely no reason at all . just plain laughing . having someone tell you that your beautiful . friends . waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep . first kisses . making new friends or spending time with old ones . playing with a new puppy . sweet dreams . hot chocolate . road trips with friends . making chocolate chip cookies . holding hands with someone you care about . watching the sunrise . watching the sunset . getting out of bed in the morning after sleeping in and looking out the window to see it's sunny . cuddling . new baby smell . sweet dreams . kittens . sand between toes . ice cream . knowing that someone misses you . knowing that someone is thinking about you . <br />
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according to greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them in two; one face, two arms, and four legs. condemning them to spend the rest of their lives in search of their other half <br />
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i hope my other half is out there somewhere . . . .
<br />Definition of Love<br />
<br />A wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and lips to pucker<3<br />
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- Avg. rating:
- 13 Fans
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Comments (11 Comments)
- invisibleninja159 - 07/17/2010
- thank you all XD
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- PoisonousMoonlight - 06/27/2010
- I can't stop reading your Fake Relationship story I'm totally and utterly addicted.
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- xXKirk RazorXx - 06/22/2010
- Hey, I posted a new story if you want to read...
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- Aurea Noctis - 06/22/2010
- pretty stories :3 very heartfelt xD
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- ThetaNine - 06/01/2010
- hey invisable ninja can you look at my writing and rate it....idk how good or bad it is
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- lovely10123456789 - 01/21/2010
- i love your stories
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- lovely10123456789 - 12/13/2009
- thx for becoming one of my fans
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