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  • Artist Info:
    My name is ;; Samantha<br />
    I like to be called ;; Nightmare, BNight, Bloodsy or just Night<br />
    I am ;; 1* years old [ you don't need to know ]<br />
    I absolutely love <3 ;; Anime, hanging out in zOMG, killing Taiko Drums >:U, using Photoshop, Avi art, Drawing, editing random pictures that I find on the intertubes, isolation myself in dark rooms with chocolate, hanging with my people[friends], the color gray, unicorns <33, aliens, ghosts, forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing[ololol] and role-playing<br />
    <br />
    I absolutely despise >:U ;; BIG BOOBS, sour. foods., spicy foods, the color green [unless it's a lime//electric color], annoying people [I get annoyed easily], improper grammar and spelling, leet speak//text talk [LOL and OMG are fine with me], arrogant snobs, Marie sues, Naruto and so, so much more<br />
    <br />
    Oh, yeah, and<br />
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    I got my page from coolpresets.com
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