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- Artist Info: Hello I'm Geovanni DuVal but you all can call me Geo. I'm obsessed with 2 things. Power and beauty. Power for the simple fact that I want it. I read books, manga, watch tv show, and play games about people with power. Magic, superpowers, supernatural creatures. I love it all. As for beauty I love all forms. I hate the world. It's a corrupt, toxic, rotting pit and it's inhabitant are discusting, distructive, worthless worms. Their only redeaming quality is that they can create such things of beauty. A painting of a peaceful meadow, a photo of a full moon reflecting off of a lake. Of course they might not be so breath taking if not for the fact that the meadows are now cities filled with crime and the lake is a toxic dumping ground. I also like beatiful music Harps, pianos, violins, chellos, and flutes. I'll admit that try as I might I can't get interested in poetry. I can see how it flows nicely but it just bores me. I also love beautiful people. Men and women both though I'm not into men sexually. I can still apreciate there beauty. Everyone should at least try to look beautiful though women seam to have an easier time with it. I try but it takes money I don't have.
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